GetDepartmentsByAnalysisCode - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

The GetDepartmentsByAnalysisCode function retrieves the list of all available departments (whether active or inactive) by searching one or more dimension values in each of the A1-A6 dimensions.

Note: The Departments can be renamed in the system and may be called Tracking Codes, Projects or anything else. This method is still the only one to call and does not change name.



public WSResult2<Department[]> GetDepartmentsByAnalysisCode(String token, WSGetDepartmentByAnalysisCodeQuery query)
Parameter Type Description
token String The session token retrieved during authentication.
query WSGetDepartmentByAnalysisCodeQuery The object containing the list of A1-A6 dimensions by which to filter

The query itself follows this structure WSGetDepartmentByAnalysisCodeQuery with the following members:

Name Type Description Mandatory
a1Filter String array List of dimension values to search on the A1 dimension. No
a2Filter String array List of dimension values to search on the A2 dimension. No
a3Filter String array List of dimension values to search on the A3 dimension. No
a4Filter String array List of dimension values to search on the A4 dimension. No
a5Filter String array List of dimension values to search on the A5 dimension. No
a6Filter String array List of dimension values to search on the A6 dimension. No

See Also

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