GetAllocationsForTransactionsCreatedBetween - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

The GetAllocationsForTransactionsCreatedBetween function returns the list of allocations filtered by creation dates.



public WSResult2OfArrayOfWSAllocationTransactionDTO GetAllocationsForTransactionsCreatedBetween(string token, System.DateTime fromCreationDate, System.DateTime toCreationDate, int skip)

Visual Basic

Public Function GetAllocationsForTransactionsCreatedBetween(ByVal token As String, ByVal fromCreationDate As System.DateTime, ByVal toCreationDate As System.DateTime, ByVal skip As Integer) As WSResult2OfArrayOfWSAllocationTransactionDTO

Parameter List

Parameter Type Description
token String The session token retrieved during authentication.
fromCreationDate String The starting transaction creation date filter.
toCreationDate String The ending transaction creation date filter.
skip String The number of transactions to skip.


The following example retrieves the list of all allocation transactions between the date range, and the first 10 transactions are being skipped:


Integration ws = new Integration();

String auth = ws.Login(entityID, partnerKey, userKey);
if( auth != null )
    WSResult2OfArrayOfWSAllocationTransactionDTO result = ws.GetAllocationsForTransactionsCreatedBetween(auth, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5), DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), 10);
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️