CreditNote - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

Presentation of the CreditNote data structure. CreditNotes can be created for customers and suppliers.


CreditNote members

Name Type Description Constraints
AccountAddress1 String Get/Set the customer/supplier account address 's first line.
  • Cannot be more than 50 characters
  • AccountAddress2 String Get/Set the customer/supplier account address 's second line.
  • Cannot be more than 50 characters
  • AccountBranchID Int32 Get/Set the branch account ID for a head office `CreditNote`.
    AccountID Int32 Get/Set the unique identifier of the customer/supplier.
    • Cannot be neagtive or 0.
    AccountName String Get/Set the customer/supplier account name. It is duplicated here from the customer/supplier account record, as it may have changed since the CreditNote was created.
    • Cannot be null or empty.
    • Cannot be more than 50 characters.
    AccountTaxCode String Get/Set the account tax code if the customer/supplier uses a default tax code. This field is used only if the UseAccountTaxCode flag is set.
    • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
    AreaID String Get/Set the area unique identifier related to the CreditNote.
    • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
    AuthorUserID String Get the unique identifier of the user who created the CreditNote.
    • Cannot be null
    • Cannot be empty
    • Cannot be more than 8 characters long
    City String Get/Set customer/supplier city.
    • Cannot be more than 50 characters
    Contact String Get/Set the customer/supplier contact name.
    • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
    Country String Get/Set the customer/supplier country's name.
    • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
    County_State String Get/Set the customer/supplier county or state.
    • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
    CreationDate DateTime Get the CreditNote creation date.
      CurrencyCode String Get/Set the currency code of the CreditNote.
      • Cannot be null
      • Cannot be empty
      • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
      DeliveryAddress1 String Get/Set customer/supplier delivery address's fist line.
      • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
      DeliveryAddress2 String Get/Set customer/supplier delivery address's second line.
      • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
      DeliveryAccountName String Get/Set customer/supplier delivery account name. The delivery account name can be different from the account name.
      • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
      DeliveryCity String Get/Set the customer/supplier delivery city.
      • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
      DeliveryCounty_State String Get/Set customer/supplier delivery county or state.
      • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
      DeliveryCountry String Get/Set the customer/supplier delivery country.
      • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
      DeliveryDate DateTime Get/Set the CreditNote delivery date.
        DeliveryPostCode String Get/Set the customer/supplier delivery post code.
        • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
        DepartmentID String Get/Set the default department ID
        • Cannot be null
        DiscountRate Decimal Get/Set the default discount rate for the CreditNote.
        • Cannot be negative
        ExchangeRate Decimal Get/Set the currency exchange rate between the customer/supplier currency and the system base currency for the current CreditNote.
        • Cannot be negative or 0
        ExcludeFromPrinting Boolean Get/Set a flag indicating whether the CreditNote should be included in the reports.
          ExternalReference String Get/Set the CreditNote external reference.
          • Cannot be null
          • Cannot be empty
          • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
          ForCollection Boolean Get/Set a flag indicating whether the CreditNote is for collection or not.
            Hold Int16 Get/Set the hold status of the CreditNote. Unknown List Class
              CreditNoteDate DateTime Get/Set the CreditNote date.
                CreditNoteID Int32 Get the CreditNote unique identifier.
                • Cannot be negative or 0
                CreditNoteNumber String Get/Set the CreditNote number. Used only if the customer/supplier does not use auto-numbering for CreditNotes.
                • Cannot be null
                • Cannot be empty
                • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
                IsPrinted Boolean Get a flag indicating whether the CreditNote has been printed or not.
                  Ledger LedgerType Get the CreditNote ledger type: Sales or Purchases.
                    Lines InvoiceLine[] Get the array of lines of the CreditNote. There is no limit to the amount of lines an CreditNote can have.
                      Notes String Get/Set some notes on the CreditNote.
                      • Cannot be more than 250 characters long
                      OrderDate DateTime Get/Set the order date.
                        OrderID Nullable
                        < Int32 >
                        Get the Order unique identifier if the CreditNote has been created by promoting a Order.
                          OrderNumber String Get the Order unique identifier if the CreditNote has been created by promoting a Order.
                          • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
                          PaymentMethodID String Get/Set the customer/supplier payment method.
                          • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
                          Phone String Get/Set the customer/supplier phone number.
                          • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
                          PostCode String Get/Set customer/supplier post code.
                          • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
                          ShipmentViaID String Get/Set the ship via unique identifier.
                          • Cannot be more than 50 characters long
                          Status String Get the CreditNote status: Processed or Posted. A posted CreditNote is not editable.
                            UseAccountTaxCode Boolean Get/Set a flag indicating whether the customer/supplier chooses to use the tax code from itself rather than the ones coming from the stock items. This is only useful for interactive use, on the web service this does not do anything.
                            • Cannot be null
                            ⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️