AccountsIQ SOAP API Update Bulletin (14 11 2022) - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the API update bulletin!

You are receiving this as a registered user on our API who has opted in during your initial setup. This bulletin will notify you of any changes, additions and bug fixes made to the API in general.

These changes will not affect existing integrations. An update will only be required if you wish to take advantage of the new methods or fields added, unless otherwise stated.

Please refer to the API wiki for more details on the API, and contact us if you require a Postman Collection to be sent to you.

Changes are:

  • Validate Account's Type based on Document Ledger passed

    Status: Released Type: Bugfix

    When creating a Sales Ledger document, we were not validating that the AccountID being passed was in fact a Customer - same case for the Purchases side not checking that you are passing a Supplier AccountID.

    Examples: One of our integrators had his AccountIDs mixed up and was creating Sales Invoices for Suppliers, and Purchase Invoice for Customers, leading to further errors down the line in their entity.

  • New fields, RegistrationNumber and TaxRegistrationNumber added to the object returned by GetCompanyInformation

    Status: Released Type: Enhancement

    RegistrationNumber and TaxRegistrationNumber have been added to WSCompanyInformation class returned by the method GetCompanyInformation.

    Examples: Some information from the Company Details & Settings screen was not being returned by the API.

  • Better error message when Saving Invoices without sending mandatory fields.

    Status: Released Type: Enhancement

    If you are missing the OpeningStockGLAccountCode field in the request you'll now receive the error message 'Line x ITEMDEFAULTS_STOCK_GL_ACCOUNT_CODE_IS_INVALID'.

    Examples: This was a common error and pretty frustrating to solve since the API was returning the same error message for 2 fields if they were missing in the request: GLAccountCode and OpeningStockGLAccountCode. Now you should be able to spot the issue without a misleading error returned.

  • New API method - AddAnalysisCode

    Status: Released Type: Enhancement

    Following feedback from various API Integrators, we are now providing a method to add a new Analysis Dimension/Code to one of the 6 Analysis Groups (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 or A6). The new AddAnalysisCode method will receive a groupID with the new analysis code to be added to it. If you want to double check your groupIDs for your entity you could call GetAnalysisDimensionSetup

    Examples: If you need P&L Report available by Supplier/Customer, you'll have to set up a new Dimension in your BI Code for this new account.

  • Status: Released Type: Enhancement

    The new method will return records based on the Allocation's Creation Date recorded by the system at the moment the action happened, rather than looking at the Transaction Date inputted by the user.

    Examples: An integrator was trying to use GetAllocationsBetween to look for new allocations in the Sales/Purchases ledger with the idea that when an allocation happens I get the balance for the Customer/Supplier to write back to a third party system (for a CRM, to comply with their credit control requirements) but that was not the case since this method looks at the Transaction Date entered by the user, which can be set to any date in past or future. Another good scenario where this will come handy is when you need to poll for allocation changes and to do progressive data loading.

  • New API methods related to Customer and Supplier Contact Information

    Status: Released Type: Enhancement

    An Integrator expressed the necessity to retrieve the Supplier and Customer Contact Information, which was not being exposed through the API.

    Examples: When tracking invoices for a specific Customer or Supplier, you want to allow your users to select which recipients should be used for automated tracking, as well as escalated tracking and CC'ing other recipients.

    Affected methods or classes:

  • New fields, AccountID, AccountCode, AllocationUserId and AllocationCreationDate have been added to the objects returned by Get Allocations methods

    Status: Released Type: Enhancement

    AccountID and AccountCode have been added to WSAllocationTransactionDTO class. AllocationUserId and AllocationCreationDate have been added to WSAllocationEntryDTO class.

    Examples: Now it will be easier for Integrators to identify which account (ID and Code) was involved in any allocation, as well as the unique identifier in the system of the user who did the allocation and what was the exact moment the record was created in the system.

    Affected methods or classes:

  • New field, TransactionBankGLAccountNumber added to WSTransactionSummary

    Status: Released Type: Enhancement

    TransactionBankGLAccountNumber has been added to WSTransactionSummary class.

    Examples: One of our integrators needed to extract a Payments Report and the Bank Account associated to the Purchase Payment was missing from our transaction methods.

    Affected methods or classes:

  • Validate BI Codes correctly in some methods

    Status: Released Type: Bugfix

    We've received reports of Purchases/Sales Credit and Debit Journals sent through the API and letting invalid BI code be registered against them, instead of rejecting them.

    Examples: One of our integrators was calling PostPurchasesCreditJournalGetBackTransactionID and passing an invalid BI Code in the request. The API was creating the record and saving the invalid value.

    Affected methods or classes:


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® 2022 AccountsIQ, Integration Team

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