June: Week 4 - accordproject/cicero-word-add-in GitHub Wiki

  • Loop over the parsed sample data from the text to mark variables. 65d00d5
  • Render the sample text by recursively going over the nodes in CiceroMark. 2b31f7f. Use the following map to identify entities of the document.
const definedNodes = {
  computedVariable: 'org.accordproject.ciceromark.ComputedVariable',
  heading: 'org.accordproject.commonmark.Heading',
  item: 'org.accordproject.commonmark.Item',
  list: 'org.accordproject.commonmark.List',
  listVariable: 'org.accordproject.ciceromark.ListVariable',
  paragraph: 'org.accordproject.commonmark.Paragraph',
  softbreak: 'org.accordproject.commonmark.Softbreak',
  text: 'org.accordproject.commonmark.Text',
  variable: 'org.accordproject.ciceromark.Variable',
  • Attach the event listener to capture whenever the value of a variable is changed. The way it is done needs some investigation because it is attached recursively since this was the only way we could achieve consistent results. d682b0c

  • A prototype of this week's changes:
