Imaging - accord-net/framework GitHub Wiki

Image processing

The framework offers about 171 different image filters, from GaussianBlur to HistogramEqualization, passing through binary operation filters (closing, opening), dithering, jittering and many more. Furthermore, those filters are completely compatible with .NET Standard 2.0 and can be run from .NET Core 2.0 applications.

To use those filters in your application, start by importing the Accord.Imaging.Filters namespace at the top of your source code:

using Accord.Imaging.Filters;

Then, you can also start by experimenting them on one of the basic test images that come with the framework

using System;
using System.Drawing;

using Accord.Imaging.Filters;
using Accord.DataSets;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        TestImages t = new TestImages();
        Bitmap baboon = t.GetImage("baboon.bmp");
        // We can create a new Gaussian Blur:
        GaussianBlur blur = new GaussianBlur();
        // Now we can either apply it to the image, creating a
        // new resulting image to hold the output of the filter:
        Bitmap result = blur.Apply(baboon);
        // Or we can apply the operation in place,
        // overwriting the original image: