Windows Installation Steps - accionlabs/acciom GitHub Wiki


Softwares to be Installed for Acciom: 1. python 3.7+ 1. Spark 2.4.7 1. mysql 8 1. java jdk8

Installing Python

Download windows Installer from :

On the first screen, enable the “Add Python 3.7 to PATH” option and then click “Install Now.”


Installing Spark

You need to do the following things to make Spark work on Windows:

  • Install Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Set system environment variable
  • Download & extract Apache Spark
  • Set system environment variable SPARK_HOME
  • Download winutils.exe, a Hadoop file

Detailed Steps are given below:

Step 1: Install Java

Google “Java JDK download”, go to Oracle’s website and download Java JDK.

Install the downloaded JDK file

go to system env variable click path and add : C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\java\jdk1.8.0_181\bin

To verify Java JDK has been successfully installed, restart (close & re-open) PowerShell, and run these commands:

java -version
javac -version

Step 2: Install Spark

Go to Apache Spark Download Page, and download Spark.

Apache Spark Download

next Apache Image

When the download is complete, extract the content, which should be a folder, assume it's placed in C:\Spark

Set system environment variable SPARK_HOME

Set spark_home = "C:\spark"

Step 3: Download Hadoop’s winutils.exe

Go to winutils, and download winutils.exe

Scroll down and click winutils.exe and Download the file.

The next step is to modify the PATH environment variable so Windows can find Spark and winutils.exe

Assume Spark and Hadoop winutils.exe placed at the following paths:

C:\Spark C:\winutils\bin

Now set Set hadoop_home = "C:\winutils" in system Environment Variables

Installing Mysql(Windows):

Download the latest Mysql Community server from mysql.

Select your operating system (Microsoft Windows) and click on Go to Download Page. It will redirect you the actual download page for windows Mysql server.

mysql downlaod

Then click the Download button on the mysql-installer-community.


Install the downloaded mysql-installer-community file.

Select on Developer Default and click Next, you can do custom Selection also:


In authentication method, Select Legacy Authentication Method and click on Next.

Here you can set your MySQL root user password.


Steps to Setup Acciom:

C:\> mkdir Acciom
C:\> cd Acciom                                 

Extract acciom zip in the Acciom Directory Create a Virtualenv first,

Install pip first,to install pip securely download



install virtualenv using pip3

pip install virtualenv

Within your project:

virtualenv env

to activate virtualenv on Windows, activate script is in the Scripts folder :


Install the requirements

C\Acciom> pip3 install -r requirements.txt

make sure that you have the FLASK_APP environment variable set:

C\Acciom> set FLASK_APP=""

C\Acciom> flask db upgrade

Run the Application using:

C\Acciom> python