#참고.웹프론트엔드 개발자가 공부할 것과 공부순서(V) - accidentlywoo/legacyVue GitHub Wiki
참고.웹프론트엔드 개발자가 공부할 것과 공부순서(V)
- 들어가기 전에 이번에는 웹프론트엔드 개발자로 꿈을 꾸시는 분들에게 설명해 드리고 싶은 이야기입니다. 우리가 여러 가지를 학습하고 있지만, 웹프론트엔드 분야로 개발자의 삶을 꿈꾸신다면 추가로 참고가 되면 좋겠습니다.
학습 목표
- 내가 무엇을 공부라고, 어떤 순서로 공부해야 할지 도움을 얻는다.
영상에서 설명한 내용입니다. 아래 참고링크에서도 볼 수 있습니다.
STEP 1. JavaScript Programming(with NodeJS)
- IDE(with nodeJS)
- Version Control(Git)
- Variables, Scope, Type, String(ES2015 based syntax)
- operator, switch, iterator, condition
- Finction - declaration and expression - arguments property & return - call stack
- Array - Array - methodsObject - Object - methods
- Object literal pattern & this keyword
- bind, apply, call methods
- String manipulation
- Regular Expressions
- Asynchronous basic - setTimeout - nodeJS user Input
- JavaScript clean code
- JavaScript debugging - nodeJS debugging - Chrome dev tools(source, console panel)
- programming design basic
STEP 2. Browser Web development Basic
- Understanding HTTP - Web architecture - URI - HTTP(header,method,status,cookie,session)
- How Browser works
- frontend-backend R&R
- HTML - structured design - semantic tags - Class and ID properties
- Scope and Closure
- CSS - properties-selectoe-layout(Float,Position,Boxmedel)
- Debugging(with Chrome developer tools)-elements,networks panels
- DOM Manipulation - traversal, append, delete, move
- Event handling - EventListener - Event object
- Event handling - delegation and bubbling/capturing
- Event handling - keyboard control
- HTML Templating - string replace - understanding templating strayrgy
- HTML Templating - Using library-ES2015 templating literal
- Style property handling
- Ajax & JSON - Using XMLHttpRequest-CORS
- Ajax-cache & localStorage
- Object-oriented JavaScript - Prototype based design.
- Module pattern
- Understanding ES2015-let,const,arrow Function-spread operator,rest parameter, destructuring-Classes,Proxy
- Web animations - animation basic. - CSS3 animation(Transition and transform) - JavaScropt&CSS3 animation control. - JavaScript animation
- UI Component - Slide
- UI Component - Tab UI
- UI Component - Layer
- UI Component - search bar auto-complete
- Form control
- Back-End application(nodeJS)-nodeJS web application and Express - URL Routing and HTTP Response - View Engine - APIs
- Programming design advanced
- UX programming - thinking - UX Improving programming