List of Triggers - accidentallyc/soa-maestro-issues GitHub Wiki


When a command trigger is executed relative to and with respect to the entity that triggers the trigger. This means that commands with @s and @p will work.

Before using these triggers, make sure you read the Argument-Types page.


When a player right clicks a block. This also fires when placing down a block.

Parameters Data Type Description
src Entity Type Player performing the right click
tgt Block Type Block being clicked


Parameters Data Type Description
src Entity Type Player performing the left click
tgt Block Type Block being clicked


When a an entity directly hurts another entity using melee or projectile damage. Potions, and fire do not trigger this.

Parameters Data Type Description
src Entity Type Entity performing the attack
tgt Entity Type Entity that is being hurt
weapon Item Type The weapon used to attack the target. It is similar to Entity Type's mainHand check but it accounts for Tridents.


This trigger is the same as EntityAttack, but with the src and tgt swapped.


When a an entity directly kills another entity using melee or projectile damage. Potions, and fire do not trigger this.

Parameters Data Type Description
src Entity Type Entity performing the kill
tgt Entity Type Entity that was killed
weapon Item Type The weapon used to kill the target. It is similar to Entity Type's mainHand check but it accounts for Tridents.


This trigger is the same as EntityAttack, but with the src and tgt swapped.


Parameters Data Type Description
src Entity Type Player right clicking the entity
tgt Entity Type Entity being right clicked


Parameters Data Type Description
src Entity Type Player being respawned


See custom triggers.

Parameters Data Type Description
src Entity Type Player executing the trigger
name String Name of the custom trigger