Evstreamed remote control - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
This page is based on using Eversion with the default evStreamed eskin. Any eskin can add/remove/change any button for their own design.
Global Buttons (Buttons that work almost everwhere)
== Popcorn Hour players: ==
- EJECT: Exit
- HOME: Jump back to the start/home screen or EXIT if you started Eversion from YAMJ App.
- MENU: Pop open the menu
== POPBox Players: ==
- Home: Exit
- Eject: Exit, except when a video is playing.
- SEARCH: On the small remote, pops open the menu (default, user definable)
== Both Players ==
- Return/Back: Go back 1 screen
- RED/BLUE/GREEN/YELLOW: user definable in settings
- Blue button jumps to App Center by default
- The rest act like home by default
Index Screen Buttons
- Navigation: (up/down/left/right) depending on your settings for each screen
- Select/Enter: More details about the Movie, TV Show or BoxSet that is highlighted
- PLAY: Play the media you have highlighted
- 0-9: Jump to that spot in the index. (0=0%,1=10%,2=20%,...)
- every screen with a scrolling menu/index/ep list has percent jumping
- PGUP/PGDOWN (Vol UP/DOWN): If enabled will move your cursor 1 page at a time.
Details Screen Buttons
== For a movie: ==
- Select/Play: Play this movie
- 1-9: For Movies with multiple video files, play the part (1 plays part 1 only, 2 Plays part 2, etc)
- I (info button), extended movie details, extras, trailers, full plot
== For a TV Show: ==
- Navigation (up/down/left/right) depending on screen type.
- 0-9: Percentage jumping, just like indexes
- Select/enter: Play this episode
- Play: Play all episodes starting at this episode
- FWD: (fast forward) Play the last episode
- PAUSE: Play a random episode
Player buttons
All of the normal player buttons should work. Some buttons you may not know:
- INFO: brings up more information about the video playing
- Navigation:
- Left/Right: jumps forward or back 30 seconds.
- UP/DOWN: jump 10% forward or back.