Evstreamed - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
evstreamed is the default eskin that comes with Eversion. It's already included and you already run it.
Every eskin might be a little different but here is the basics: eversionb2:settings:ehowto
All artwork overlays are handled by YAMJ for the default Evstreamed eskin. This is for speed and memory reasons. You can find the included options at eversionb2:settings:images
To help speed you up, we have some eversionb2:settings:quick to help you adjust some of the common screen choice combinations.
- Home Screens:
- aeonhome: xbmc style original aeon home screen
- home: beta1 and pre 0.2.8 original evstreamed home screen
- Walls:
- wall.poster.fanart: 1 row with fanart
- wall.poster.summary: default 2 rows with summary of title below
- wall.poster.full2: 2 rows no summary (great for smaller tv screens or visual impaired)
- wall.poster.full: 3 rows no summary
- Banners: (tv show indexes/set indexes)
- wall.banner.summary: 3 column with summary below
- wall.banner.summary2: 2 column with poster and summary
- List views:
- list.banner.summary: lower third 3 banners
- list.text.summary: lower third all text titles
- list.text.properties: expanded more detailed list view
- TV Details:
- tv1: Only option, similar to list.text.summary but with tv info
- Movie Details:
- Movie1: Original movie design with solid background for easier reading
- Movie2: Original movie design but smoked background for better fanart viewing
- Movie3: New layout with more infomation, smoked background taking up more of the screen
home {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:home.png}}
aeonhome (default) {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:aeonhome.png}}
WALLS: wall.poster.fanart {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:wall.poster.fanat.png}} wall.poster.summary {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:wall.poster.summary.png}} wall.poster.full {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:wall.poster.full.png}} wall.poster.full2 {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:wall.poster.full2.png}}
BANNERS: wall.banner.summary {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:wall.banner.summary.png}} wall.banner.summary2 {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:wall.banner.summary2.png}}
LIST: list.banner.summary {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:list.banner.summary.png}} list.text.summary {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:list.text.summary.png}} list.text.properties {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:list.text.properties.png}}
movie1 {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:movie1.png}} movie2 {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:movie2.png}} movie3 {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:movie3.png}} tv1 {{gallery>:eversionb2:images:028:tv1.png}}
Boxcovers are a YAMJ option and you can find our included eversionb2:settings:images.
evstreamed uses all of the remote control codes found in the eversionb2:settings:remote.
The eversion settings is used for eskins that have language files. To setup eversion for a different language check out eversionb2:settings:howto#how_to_make_eversion_work_in_your_native_language.
The startpage setting is used to control where Eversion will start from. By default, it is the home menu but any YAMJ index will work.
- HOME: The home menu
- Index_name_1: The name of the YAMJ index file in the format your familiar with for html skins
The YAMJ index files are all located in the Jukebox folder and in the format of Type_Name_1. For a list of valid types see the http://code.google.com/p/moviejukebox/wiki/PropertiesConfiguration#mjb.categories.indexList in their wiki.
The categories like All, New, and TV Shows are part of the Other type. Always use the _1 name and leave off .xml. For example the All index is Other_All_1
The below quick settings are examples of several indexes, you can copy and paste the option to your own settings.xml file or if this is your first change, just click on the filename to download the settings file and save it into evstreamed.
- Start in the All index:
- Start in the New index:
- Start in a genre named Family:
The menulist setting is used to add some indexes to the menu. If you want more than one, just separate them with a comma.
- All YAMJ Index types are valid choices, see http://code.google.com/p/moviejukebox/wiki/PropertiesConfiguration#mjb.categories.indexList for current list
- Default Setting: Other,Genres,Title,Library,Year
If your library does not contain any of your index choices, it will skip them without an error.
Some of these indexes are not enabled by default, please refer to http://code.google.com/p/moviejukebox/wiki/PropertiesConfiguration#mjb.categories.indexList for how to enable/disable in YAMJ.
- Other, Sets and Genres
- Genres, Years and Country
- Imitate the YAMJ HTML Default skin left bar
The homelist setting is used to control what appears on the home screen. If you want to have multiple libraries on the bar at the same time, separate them with a comma.
- Other - New, All, Movies, HD, etc
- Genres - The Genres of your video library
- Library - The library records which have custom descrptions
- Year - Decade indexes
- Rating - Indexes by rating
- Title - Indexes by first letter (A,B,C,etc)
- Sets - A list of all your sets
- Country - A list of videos by release country.
Some of these indexes are not enabled by default, please refer to http://code.google.com/p/moviejukebox/wiki/PropertiesConfiguration#mjb.categories.indexList for how to enable/disable in YAMJ.
ARTWORK WARNING: We only supply artwork for the options found in the Other library. If you want to change this setting, you may not see artwork appear for those options. To add artwork name it exactly how it appears on the home screen including capital letters to the eskins/shared/media/home/ folder. The image should be 1280x720 and saved as a jpg file.
- Other and Genres (with others appearing first)
- Genres only
- Imitate the YAMJ HTML Default skin left bar
There are several certification image options for movie detail screens.
- mpaa
- bbfc
- csa
- germany
the control files are part of the eskin for the home and menu screens. They are the list of what's in the options and can be modified. These are not upgrade friendly so you much save your copy before you overwrite it with the new one.
See the eversion:eskins:ref:control and options. It's not for the novice.