Eversion settings - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
If your an experienced user with YAMJ, you'll find the settings work different from other skins. Let's first go over where they are and when you need to run YAMJ for changes.
Settings are located in 3 places for Eversion.
- In your eversion skin folder, you'll find the skin.properties and optionally a skin-user.properties files. These files control YAMJ and what your movie covers and banners look like on the TV. Any changes to these files requires you to turn on overwrites and run YAMJ.
- The second location is also in your skins folder. More specifically skins/eversion/interface/eversion/settings/. This folder has all the configuration and language files used by Eversion. However they do not work until they are inside your jukebox folder. You can copy by hand or run YAMJ to copy them for you.
- The third location is inside your Jukebox folder. You'll also find an Eversion folder there that has a settings folder. However these changes will be erased on you the next time you run YAMJ so you need to copy them to the skin/eversion/interface/eversion/settings folder. When you edit your settings here or after you copy them here you will need to reset Eversion if it is already running before they do anything. You can reset by pressing the menu and selecting reset.
Confused?? Let's try to make it simple:
- skin-user.properties and skin.properties requires you to run YAMJ for the changes to do something.
- editing the settings for Eversion in your skin folder require you to copy the settings to the Jukebox settings folder OR running YAMJ and let it copy them for you before they will work
- editing the settings for Eversion in your Jukebox folder requires you to restart Eversion. To make sure YAMJ doesn't delete your changes you must copy the settings files to the skin folder location before your run YAMJ.
- Settings do not kick in with Eversion if your already running it, you need to reset the skin or exit and start it over.
In the settings folder you'll find esettings-default.xml. This file is all the default settings for Eversion. In future versions, settings will be added that need to be in the file. To make it really easy to upgrade you should save your settings to esettings.xml. This file does not exist by default.
If you wanted to change the tv show index from banners to posters, this is what your esettings.xml file would look like: evstreamed-overscan
If you have a home with several players, you may need or want different settings on each TV. the filename of these settings comes from the Mac Address in your player.
Eversion not installed yet instructions:
- On your player go into settings, network
- Your players mac address will be on the screen.
- create a file using that mac address. For example: 00:2C:FB:47:32:AA will be called 002CFB4732AA.xml
- Follow the above instructions for esettings.xml to add in settings for just that player
- Only the player with the matching mac address will use those settings.\
Eversion already installed instructions:
- Start eversion and press menu on your remote (search on the popbox/asiabox)
- Select about
- At the bottom under hardware you'll see the Settings filename to use.
- follow the above instructions for esettings.xml but use this filename instead.
For more information or an example guide see: Owners of multiple players
NOTE: This option also works with eskins. If you want different eskin settings on each tv, use the exact same filename and put it in your eskin folder.
This is the same as the above 1 settings. We also have a Owners of multiple players which outlines some changes of owners with different brand/model players.
If your language is already available, all you need to do is edit esettings.xml and change the translation setting to your language file. If this is your first change, you can create your esettings.xml and copy/paste the below into it.
The example is changing Eversion to French. You can just click the esettings.xml link and save it to your interface/eversion/settings/ folder if you want to change to french.
fr.xmlWhen modifying an existing language file, you should save it to a new name. This will make upgrading easier and your changes will not be erased on you. When modifying en.xml this is extremely important and en.xml is also our default file and will always be complete.
Also note, if you edit your Categories.xml file to rename the categories in YAMJ to your native language, you also need to adjust the home screen artwork to match. You'll find the files in your skin folder located in eskins/shared/media/home/ and the names must exactly match Categories.zml including capital letters.
The basic options of Eversion
The eskin setting is used to change what eskin your running. Remember, Eversion can have per hardware player settings so you can have a different eskin on every tv if you wanted.
Example: evhell
NOTE: eskins are a brand new feature, we look forward to seeing what some users create :)
- clock: 12 for 12 hour clock with AM/PM, 24 for 24 hour clock.
- homelist: What indexes appear on the home page/start screen
- menulist: what indexes appear in the menu.
- remotepgupdown: set to true for pg up and pg down to work in indexes. Some firmwares this also controls the volume so be careful with this setting and test.
A preloader is the flash term for that little spinning wheel you see appear when your waiting for something. As with everything else in eversion, we designed ours to be informative as well as not slow things down. You can help fine tune it to your exact setup with the following settings:
- preloadstart: time in ms before the preloader will appear.
- preloadanimate: after the preloader appears, time in ms before the icons starts to animate
- preloadx: the x position to make the preloader appear. 0 is very left of the screen.
- preloady: the y position to make the preloader appear. 0 is the very top of the screen.
- waitingled: if your hardware supports it, when the preloader starts to animate, your system led will also flash.
Changing Eversion to use your native language can be found eversionb2:settings:howto#how_to_make_eversion_work_in_your_native_language.
- epmerge: true to merge specials where they aired inside the tv seasons.
Eversion has the ability to merge special episodes so they appear in your seasons episodes. Great for shows like Doctor Who which has specials that are not part of the season but designed to be watched in order. BattleStar Galactica is also a good example with the miniseries that airs before the first season.
- This is not fully functional.
- If you go from index screen->tv show->tv season it will merge.
- All other situations like new index->new season they will not be merged.
- Playing from index will not merge the episodes into your playlist.
- these are known issues and coming asap, just working with the yamj data in this area is more challenging.
Exitpage controls where we should exit too.
- PCH eject button:
- Forced exit, works everywhere.
- Default "eject" behavior is to return to the page/screen that started Eversion
- only start or file:// urls work with eject button.
- POPBOX with large remote eject button:
- Does not work when a video is playing.
- using eject setting will automatically switch to popboxexit when eversion is running from a popbox.
- Features not supported by the popbox and 300 series:
- user buttons will be ignored if set to the below, eject/exit will change to popboxexit.
- start
- urls starting with file://
- exitpage: user definable location to exit to. Default is act like the Eject button.
- eject - default, act like the eject button.
- popboxexit - exit command for the popbox
- start - the main PCH menu
- apps - the appstore/app market (syabas app section).
- url starting with file:// or http:// (pch players only, uses GAYA so not a full browser)
- phf/flashlite url starting with phf://, (just take the file:// url and swap file:// with phf://)
- red - the red button on the remote, default is home (first screen of Eversion)
- green - the green button, default is home
- yellow - the yellow button, default is home
- blue - the blue button, default is apps (matches PCH/NMJ default)
- Search - the search button on the small popbox remote, default is menu
- buttonname - button followed by it's name can be used to map any button on the remote. for a list of names see: eversion:eskins:ref:remote
- home - the main menu/screen of Eversion.
- menu - open the eversion menu
- popboxexit - exit command for popbox players
- eject - normal exit, act like eject button
- start - the main PCH menu
- apps - the appstore/app market (syabas app section).
- YAMJ index file in the format of Type_Index_1 (ex: Other_All_1, Genres_Family_1)
- url starting with file:// or http:// (pch players only, uses GAYA so not a full browser)
- phf/flashlite url starting with phf://, (just take the file:// url and swap file:// with phf://)
There is a choice of video players you can use per type of video your trying to play.
All options can use the following settings:
- NATIVE: use the hardware player built into the firmware of your player
- SDK: use the alternative software player we provide.
- playersingle: Single file videos: AVI, MKV, MP4, TS, etc.
- playeriso: ISO files.
- playervideots: dvd video_ts folder rips
- playerbdmv: Bluray BDMV folder rips
- playerflv: FLV files (warning not all hardware supports flv native)
Sometimes firmware problems in players can cause unexpected player crashes, the most common is with the resuming of partially watched videos. Just in case you can enable or disable using the players bookmark system.
False means all videos will start from the beginning even if partially watched.
- POPBOX: pbnativebm
- Popcorn Hour: pchnativebm (and unknown html+flash player)
- AsiaBox: abnativebm
- popbox V8: v8nativebm
- A300: a3nativebm
- c300: c3nativebm
- unknown flash only: nognativebm
Playback Monitoring:
Playback monitoring is what eversion does while a video is playing. Unlike html interfaces our interface doesn't actually stop when the video begins. In the future this will lead to new features that happen depending on how much of the video you watch. For now it's partial solution to overcome a hardware bug if you leave the video paused all night.
- playermonitor: true=enabled
- playermonitorinterval: how often in ms to check on the video progress. default is 1400 (1.4 seconds).
- playerforceexit: how many times in a row checking the status to see nothing playing before we assume your really finished. This is a little tricky in that the api isn't 100% reliable when your watching a playlist so if you have a nas sleeping or a usb drive spun up, we an stop your video playing for no reason.
Drives and Mounts:
- playercheckmounts: Set to true if you want eversion to mount your shares when using a pch native path.
- mountnfstcpasnfs: Set to true to have eversion mount nfs-tcp shares as nfs. (Firmware bug doed not allow us to mount nfs-tcp shares at this time, when it's fixed in firmware you can adjust this setting yourself).
- playlistreorder: when set to true, native player play from here and play last options with emulate yamj html skins and start at the video you picked, play to the end, and then loop to the videos you skipped.
- playermultipick: When set to true, if you play a multi-part movie it will pop up a selection box so you can select all or one of the parts.
These settings are available so you can tweak them around. Many hours were spent finding a great combination of speed and usability. Unless a new faster player with more memory comes out, you may not want to adjust these.
Hyperscroll is the system which causes parts of the screen to not draw immediately so you can quickly move around the screen/options.
- hyperscroll: true to enable, false to disable
- hyperscrolltimer: how often hyperscroll kicks in in ms.
- hyperscrollstart: how slow it will kick in when you start to move faster
- hyperscrollspeed: how fast it will return to draw the full screen
- hyperscrolljump: makes the remote control button press act like 2 or 3 presses depending on how fast your moving around
- hyperscrolldrawmode:
- MIN=only load images from disc as they appear on the screen (indexes).
- NICE=try to load a little ahead of where your cursor is.
- hyperscrolldraw: when scrolling around, at what level do we stop trying to draw the options and just draw where the cursor is.
- hyperscrollredraw: when you start to slow back down in your movement at what level do we start to redraw the choices.
- hyperactivedraw: how many titles should it draw in an index per cycle. We've set it for a PCH which runs flash a little slower than all the other systems. POPBOX users can almost double it without impacting your ability to scroll around with the remote control.
- hypercycles: The number of cycles to process before hyperscroll adjusts. it's multiples of hyerscrolltimer long.
- xxxhyperdraw: replace xxx with your players minicode (pch, ab, pb). this is a modifier to reduce the amount of index artwork to draw in 1 cycle. the higher the number the less it draws. it's not a 1:1 ratio, it's a floating multiplier for how many to skip.
Prefetch settings are really easy to screw up and cause crashes, unable to exit, running out of memory and even slow down Eversion.
- datafetch: How far ahead of your cursor would you like the data to be preloaded
- datatotal: The total number of xml files to keep in memory
Special notes about prefetch:
- Eversion may adjust your settings slightly if your yamj settings don't have enough content in them for Eversion to correctly draw index screens.
- Eversion may use more than your settings depending on how much data is on the screen at one time.
Eversion supports the flashlite _quality setting. Higher settings will run slower but produce better quality screens. This setting basically changes the flash anti-aliasing option.
- renderquality: specifies the render quality of eversion
- Low: no screen correction
- Medium: 2x2 grid anti-alias
- High: 4x4 grid anti-alias + font smoothing (default)
This option currently has no effect on Popcorn Hour 200 series players. The players are forced to medium.
Popbox players can adjust this setting.
These settings are for debugging the system while we work on it. There is really no reason to adjust them at this time.
- yamjdatapath: You'll never need to change this but it's the path to the Jukebox files YAMJ creates.
Some of these settings may impact your hardwares ability to idle or spin down drives.
- vercheck: Eversion needs to reload YAMJ data if your Jukebox updates. This is how often eversion should check for YAMJ updates. YAMJ Version R2171 or newer required for this setting to work properly.