Eskin your settings file - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
Using if statements and your own variables you can easily add just about anything you want to your eskin. You'll have to test if it's worth making it an option or a new eskin file, speed can quickly be effected but only testing will figure it out.
Things already in your settings file for you:
There are a lot of settings that come from your settings file automatically by eversion.
Screen types:
- indexINDEX: The eskin file to use when showing an index that doesn't fit any of the below.
- indexTV: The eskin file for TV shows (new-tv, tv shows).
- indexMOVIE: The eskin file for movies (new-movie, movies)
- indexTVSET: The eskin file to use when a user goes into a tv set.
- indexMOVIESET: The eskin file to use when a user goes into a movie set.
- detailsMOVIE: The eskin file to use when a user goes into a movie.
- detailsTV: The eskin file to use when a user goes into a TV season.
- menuHOME: The eskin used if you have a startype of HOME
- menuMENU: The eskin file to use when a user presses menu.
Screen types that eversion will use the shared if your missing in your eskin:
- systemERROR: Error message popup (Fatal and ev haults if there are errors in this one)
- systemINFO: Same as error but you might want a different design when it's informative.
- systemMULTINFO: Same as above but multiple choice
- systemMPART: The multipart movie select what part to play menu.
Other settings:
- startpage: users what to start in selection
- homelist & menulist: the category types available in inserts to control files.