Eskin shared eskin reference - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
The shared eskin is filled with a variety of code and artwork you can use if you want with your eskin. These files will always be there so you can rely on them.
The code for the most part is items that fill in if you skip them. Things like popups, errors, multipart picking. You don't need to add these to your eskins to use them.
There is a variety of artwork that many of us would probably want to use in our eskins so we have packaged it together so you don't need to worry about it.
Use the variable [:sharedmedia:] to start off your filenames which is the path to the shared media folder.
Logos come from the and users can optionally install them (and what format they want). They are optional due to the size of the download at this time. In the future we'll make both color and b&w available when we expand eversion into a system that can update itself.
- [:@sharedmedia:]company/[:company:].png are icons you can use for codec, container, aspect ratio, certification, etc. For the most part the filenames are untouched and we have added some variables to convert YAMJ data to the filenames.
- All filenames start with: [:@sharedmedia:]purityflags/
There are a couple background images to use to help make them stand out:
- Example: [:@sharedmedia:]purityflags/flag_frame.png
In order to have certifications work, you need to fill in the type of certifications to use. Due to overlapping filenames and logos, you should use a settings.xml file option for which ones the users want.
- Example: [:@sharedmedia:]purityflags/ratings/custom/[:#rating,tolower:][:flagcertification:].png
Variables for other icons:
- flagaspect: aspect ratio
- flagratio: due to type-o this is also aspect ratio
- flagchannels: # of channels on the first audio track
- flagaudiocodec: Audio Codec
- flagvideocodec: Video Codec
- flagcontainer: Video Container of file.