Eskin load.eskin file - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
load.eskin is the file we use when starting Eversion to quickly validate and setup the basic needs of Eversion to run. EV does not load the entire eskin as many parts of the eskin may never be used depending on how many options you offer for it.
<eskin> <info></info> <settings></settings> </eskin>
Info is the basic visual information ahout your eskin. It includes the name, version, and url to get updates. You can use this information in an about screen and can be very handy when helping a user trying to fix a problem to tell you what they have installed.
Settings are used to control the overall needs of Eversion. For the most part this is limited to what eskin files to use for what type of screen,menu, popup, error, etc.
Eversion will use the most important screen needs from the shared folder. Popups, error messages, overall user options so not need to be in your eskin code. Of course you may want to customize the look and feel but starting out you can just ignore them and they will fill on on their own.
The most common mistake I make is that I forget to add an eskin file to the list of valid user choices.