Eskin control files - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
<control> <insert> <info></info> <action></action> <!-- Other nodes an action may need safe to add here --> </insert> <item> <action></action> <title></title> <originaltitle></originaltitle> </item> </control>
Insert is used to merge other data into the menu choices.
- menulist: The Categories selection the user has added to the menulist setting
The friendly name of the option is in title, file has the filename without xml at the end to load that index and default action of index.
- homelist: The Categories selection the user has added to the homelist setting
The friendly name of the option is in title.
- playrom: If user has it enabled, it will insert the play disc prompt.
Action is the action to add to the inserted data for customized screens.
Item is individual menu choices. Action is the only required item and that is what will happen when the user selects it on the screen. title is recommended for the text prompt and inserted data will use this field. However using the jukebox xml style variables, you can specify any fields you need in this section.