Eskin block settings - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki


Settings are used to perform a check of eskin screen names to user settings and tell us what your default is in case they screw it up. this block is in load.eskin only.


` type file1,file2,..

file1,file2,.. file1,file2,.. file1,file2,.. file1,file2,.. `


Starttype tells Eversion what the home screen will be.

Valid Settings:

  • home: home style screen like infowall has
  • menu: skin to load when the menu button is pressed (optional, you can be menuless)
  • index: index screen (Other_All_1 is default unless user overrides)
  • tv: details screens for tv shows
  • movie: details screens for movies.
  • error: error popup, optional ev will used the shared popup for errors
  • info: same as error, not exactly sure if I even use this but the idea behind it was a different look for informative popups over errors. Optional, ev will use shared for it.
  • multiinfo: same as error/info but with more than 1 ok choice. optional and only used for jukebox update at this time.
  • mpart: the popup when user wants a list of movie multiparts to pick from. optional ev will supply from shared if needed.


  • list filenames without .eskin extension and separated with a comma.
  • default must also be in the list of files.
  • default is optional but recommended, the first file in the list will be used if missing
  • More specific index and set defaults are in your settings-default.xml file, not the eskin file. Those indexes should be part of the index list.


<eskin> <settings> <home>home</home> <menu default="supermenu">menu,supermenu</menu> <index default="wall">list,wall</index> <tv>tvdetails</tv> <movie>moviedetails</movie> </settings> </eskin>

This is a skin with a homepage called home.eskin. 2 index choices of list.eskin and wall.eskin with wall being the default. tvdetails.eskin and moviedetails.eskin for the details screens.

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