Eskin block segment tile sub block - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
A tile is the area inside of a segment where you scroll between to select something. It can be menu options, posters, banners, text prompts, combinations of. 1 selection=1 tile.
NOTE: The last time this page was updated, tiles are limited to 1 per segment. We'll remove this when that limitation is removed.
<tile> <cols></cols> <rows></rows> <width></width> <height></height> <first></first> <static></static> <offset></offset> <text></text> <image></image> <if></if> </tile>
Cols is the number of tiles horizontally. Rows is the number of tiles vertically.
Width and height of the tile area.
The tile # to place the cursor at when the segment is started. If the tile doesn't exist the highest tile that does is used.
Use an insanely high number if you want the last tile to be selected (9999999) for example. Might be useful in episode screens to start at what might be the last episode/newest.
These options are designed to work together and only work when there is a single row or column. Setting static to true means the cursor will be frozen in place and the menu choices will move. Offset is how many tiles to shift the selections by.
Example: If you wanted to have a single row of tv shows where the middle choice is always the cursor. If there are 5 tiles across the screen, static=true and offset=2 will cause the cursor location to never move and it will always be in the middle of the screen.
The same as text and images found in the rest of an eskin.
Standard if logic options