Eskin block segment cursor sub block - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
A cursor is an optional floating image that will move to show what tile the remote control is over. This option is faster than a complex tile with images that turn on and off when selected and should be used when possible.
<segment> <cursor> <file></file> <above></above> <animate></animate> <posx></posx> <posy></posy> <width></width> <height></height> </cursor> </segment>
Filename of the cursor image, variables are ok but only 1 cursor will be loaded and will never change.
Is the cursor located above or below the tile?
- True: cursor floats directly over the tile
- False: cursor located behind the tile. (DEFAULT)
added R0085: when set to true every time the cursor moves a gotoAndPlay(1) command is issued on the cursor. Default is true.
To animate your cursor:
- Create an embedded flashlite compatible swf of your cursor that is animated
- use it in the file command for cursor
- have it stop animating at the end of your timeline
- use the animate option set to false on any screen you don't want it to animate when moving or if it's an always animating loop.
SIDE NOTE: this works for any image but only cursor is triggered to start playing again.
the x,y coodinates relative to a tile of where the cursor is to be positioned. 0,0=upper left corner of the tile.
The width and height of the image.