Eskin block info - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
The info block is used in load.eskin to tell eversion about your skin
<info> <name>Friendly skin name</name> <version>version info<version> <homepage>url for more skin information</homepage> <language>langcode.xml</language> </info>
The friendly name of your skin that a user may see on the screen.
Version information about your skin.
Website URL that a user can use to find updates and more information.
The language file that should be considered default. If your not making your skin in english, your language file should have all prompts that might be needed. Just like Eversion will fill in english problems when translated ones are missing, this is how you control that for your eksin.
en.xml will be used if this option is missing.
A fictional skin with user options of home, wall, supertv, and megamovie screens.
<eskin> <info> <name>Mega Awsome</name> <version>1.0 Alpha 3</version> <homepage>http://mywebsite</homepage> <language>de.xml</language> </info> </eskin>