Eskin block control - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
The control block is used to control/override certain behaviors of a screen.
<control> <fullscreen></fullscreen> <passthrough></passthrough> <clearhighresbg></clearhighresbg> </control>
If your screen/eskin file is not fullscreen, setting this option to false will make sure the previous screen remains visible.
A good example of this is the infowall side menu (press menu button), about screen, error message popup.
NOTE: setting to true only forces the screen 1 below to hide. If your stacking screens it may not clear how you need it to.
passthrough immediately opens the next eskin (add the name into the option).
A good example of this is the menu in evstreamed. menu.eskin just draws the artwork and passthroughs to themenu.eskin which is the real menu. it can then change to the category index lists without reloading the artwork creating a weird non-fluid experience to the user. You'll also notice the back remote command in themenu steps 2 back to go past the passthrough screen you jumped over.
A soon to be available feature with hardware will use the hardware chipsets to directly display background artwork. If available, when fullscreen is true the image is cleared when we perform the fullscreen options. However, there are cases like how catlist.eskin works in the evstreamed default where you may need to make sure fullscreen does not clear the background.
Also there are situations where you may go between screens where the same background artwork is used. delays in the hardware to remove and redisplay the artwork make it feel clunky when changing screens.
Setting this to false will override the fullscreen behavior when the user is using high res artwork.
- use this option on any eskin file which has fanart backgrounds
- use this option if you have 1 background that goes over all screens. no reason to reload the same image over and over again.
- use this option if you use layers of eskins with fullscreen to do fancy tricks like the evstreamed menu.eskin+others work. This will make sure the background is always visible.
<eskin> <control> <fullscreen>false</fullscreen> </control> </eskin>