Dune Information - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
Coming soon, For now we recommend you check out this post on MPCCLUB.
There is a bug and major design flaw in our opinion where dune_folder.txt works differently if your navigating your drive. When you add it to a favorite, for some reason a non-dynamic file is support to know exactly the path you used to get to the folder in the first place. We can't guess your path and don't buy into the mistake other systems have used to fix this bug for you. it's a 1 line code change dune should add in their firmwares.
In order to adjust the dune_folder.txt to work when added to a favorite:
- Before you run yamj the first time, edit the dune_folder.txt file found in yamj/skins/eversion/interface to adjust the path. the path will be
swf://(dune compatible path )/Jukebox/eversion.swf
- dune path documents: http://dune-hd.com/firmware/misc/dune_folder_howto.txt
I wish I could offer some specific, use this, use that, etc etc but without a dune, I can't find them.
- You SHOULD be able to use working paths for zapitti or other dune jukebox software in yamj.
- samba shares without password:
smb://hostname or ip of server/sharename/rest of path if needed
<- works on dune and pch from same jukebox - NFS:
nfs://hostname of ip of server:/path/on/server
ornfs-tcp://hostname or ip of server:/path/on/server
- dune path documents: http://dune-hd.com/firmware/misc/dune_folder_howto.txt
Eversion was modified to work on both syabas and dune players without the use of any dune hardware. The users on MPCClub were nice enough to relay as much information as they could about how it worked. However nobody working on eversion has seen it run on the dune, we cannot tune it or find things a dune only owner wouldn't know are not functioning.
This section is going to be revised
Eversion is an independent flashlite based jukebox interface. It works with a variety of different backends with yamj being the most popular and probably the only one that would support the dune at this time.
YAMJ is going to be your only choice for a scanner at the moment. YAMJ itself is a automated java based scanner. It has a wide variety of features including using XBMC generated nfo and local artwork metadata, trailers, subtitles, and one of the longest list of sources for internet found metadata (especially handy for non-english households).
YAMJ is run when you have an update to your media files and it generates all the data including putting a copy of eversion into a standalone Jukebox folder. Because it's nicely self contained it plays well with other systems. Being java based it can be run from any device you can install java on. If your a PVR or Autodownloader, it means you can setup yamj to automatically update after a new files is added to your library.
YAMJ is also vastly supported in many different applications. For example my movies can export the nfo and images for yamj to find including the automatic ripper. XBMC nfo managers will also work. There is a variety of different jukebox editors and front ends to give you more of the interactive editing features you might be familiar with in the design of other jukebox systems.
There is a skin system which uses no-code skin files and templates to create the on screen experience. The system is adapted from popular htpc systems and adjusted to work better with lower end hardware it's designed to run on. It's fairly limited but rather robust.
There are a variety of eskins including one for cinescope projectors. They can be found in our forum. Users have also modded their favorites to create almost new eskins.
For more information on modding/making an eskin see: eversionb2:eskinwiki
All 3 are backend systems that support the eversion interface. At the time I wrote this, only yamj supports being able to use paths for dune but that doesn't mean the others are behind.
YAMJ: Runs anywhere java can be installed. YAMJ is basically a scanner of your media and nothing else. It's been around a very long time and support for a wide variety of languages an options. Being able to run anywhere java is installed, it's very easy to use it on nas to rescan your media as needed especially if your media shows up in an automated fashion like downloaders or pvr recording. install packages or scripts can be found for just about any os and nas appliance.
Oversight: Designed originally for the PCH and runs directly on it. It's baically an nzbget post processing script + jukebox combined in 1 (and you can use just the parts you want). It can also install on some nas's but it's limited support at this time in that nas install.
Kroozbox: I don't know too much about kroozbox myself, it's a newer member to the eversion family. Eversion comes with kroozbox so there are no downloads or installers for it. I believe it's designed to run from a nas.
Ask HDI :) They have a very limited ability to control the hardware. Syabas players are more full featured in this area. The Everison limits are only because there is no way to do it the same on the dune.
One of the goals of eversion was to make it so you can hand pick exactly what hardware works best for the room you want to install it and have a consistent interface. This lets budget models for bedrooms that can play the same media as high end models run the same jukebox. Very few limitations between models.
Things that are different on the dune due to hardware differences:
- No playback of FLV
- No playback of youtube internet streamed trailers/videos
- Eversion must exit to play, it will autoload itself again after but will not return to where you left off.
Things that the Dune can do but waiting on the backend teams to add support:
- Playlists.
- Watching multi-part movies without having to start each part separately.
- Watching multiple tv episodes without having to start each episode separately.
- Oversight path and playlist support
- you cannot play anything yet
- it's meant for a pch install, their for nas version in the works already
- Kroozbox path and playlist support
- you cannot play anything
- eversion is packaged with kroozbox, no additional download but it has not been updated for a dune friendly version yet.
The yamj setup comes ready to run both brands. HOWEVER they need playerpaths in yamj that work on both models. This is not fully tested (accident doesn't have a dune to test with so please report problems).
- http paths will work on both systems to play media
- an nfs://ip.or.hostname/the/path format should work on both brands
- we are working on an smb path that will function on both brands
- yamj:install:multihouse
Growing pains, we're looking into solutions to automatically handle this for you. Until we find a fix, please refer to this post on how to manually fix it: http://www.mpcclub.com/forum/showpost.php?p=240487&postcount=66
Eversion was designed in a way to creatively solve the low end hardware power. It was found that image loading took the most time and a system known as hyperscroll was born. Hyperscroll delays things from appear on the screen depending on how fast your scrolling around the screen with your remote.
To some the hyperscroll system appears to be really slow and not fluid. To others, they love the speed they can move around the jukebox without waiting. There are settings to change all the behavior and even disable hyperscroll. Tweak it to your preferred setup
Donation button is below. Before you donate, Accident who the donation is going too only supports major someone can't run it bugs/support. All donations are used towards the newer dentedboxes project which at this time has no formal announcement about what it is or does. Just know that eversion is not dentedboxes. At this time it's unknown if anyone else is working on anything new for eversion.
Eversion is open sourced. You can find the source code at https://github.com/accident12123/eversion