Home - accident12123/eversion GitHub Wiki
Eversion: A skinable flashlite interface for dune and syabas hardware using yamj, oversight or kroozbox jukebox backends.
Now that github no longer offers a download section, ready to run eversion copies can be found at http://dentedboxes.com/downloads/
User information
Our media player interface system currently available as an addon to YAMJ, Oversight and Kroozbox.
Supported Hardware Players
- Syabas brand: A200, A210, C200, A300, C300, A400, Popbox Original/3D, Popbox V8, Asiabox Original/HD, Asiabox HDII
- HDI Brand: Any Dune with flashlite, models unknown
Supported Jukebox Applications
- YAMJ has forums all over the world in many languages, most of these forums are for Popcorn hour owners. we recommend even if you don't have a popcorn hour you look into finding them as they will have the best way to install and setup a regional language yamj install.
- Main YAMJ Website (and wiki)
- Omertron's site (lead yamj developer)
- English Forum
- English Guide Forum
- German Forum
- French Forum
- Oversight
- NMT Forum
- Kroozbox
- Unknown, please edit wiki and add a link
More information
- Dune Owners Guide to Eversion
- Popcorn Hour/PopBox/Asiabox guide to eversion
- Dentedboxes Forum (Our forum)
- [YAMJ Install for a new user](http://github.com/accident12123/eversion/wiki/YAMJ New User Installation)
- [YAMJ Install for an existing yamj user (including adding it to nas install guides)](http://github.com/accident12123/eversion/wiki/YAMJ Existing User Eversion Skin Change Install)
- Oversight install
- Kroozbox install
- [Eversion Settings](wiki/Eversion Settings)
- [Eskin Settings](wiki/ESKIN Settings)
- [Quick Settings (settings you'll probably want to make)](wiki/Quick Settings)
- [YAMJ Artwork Setting (boxcovers)](wiki/YAMJ Artwork Settings)
- Experimental Features
- [Speed up YAMJ](wiki/YAMJ Tuning for speed)
Eskins (alternative look and feel)
- evStreamed (default)
- [Remote Control Cheat Sheet](wiki/evStreamed Remote Control)
- Weather Mod
- Big and Bold Cursor Mod
- Shiny Cursors
- evHell
- evZap
- People Mod
- Legion's Mods (people, overlays, biographies, etc)
- Terranova
- pfpScope (Cinescope Aspect)
- NEW: Leech
Development information
- ESKIN Modding and Dev
- Eversion Dev: See readme in the source