Whats new - accessibilitysoftwarehub/FaceSwitch2 GitHub Wiki

2.0.9 November 21 2019

  • Slider layout changed slightly.

2.0.8 November 20 2019

  • Slider added to change key repetition/gesture recognition rate.

2.0.7 - November 18 2019

  • Recognition was too fast, so we decided to slow it down by adding additional slots to the array.

2.0.6 - November 13 2019

  • Minor bug fixes
  • New keyboard simulation
  • Removed left and right click buttons
  • Lowered sizing for fonts

Known Bugs

  • Error messages appear when you have a virus scanner and the only way to remove this is to disable your virus scanner.
  • The Tobii eye tracking software doesn't listen for virtual key press events, so features like "mouse warp" won't be activated with gestures from our software.

2.0.5 - October 18 2019

  • Minor bug fixes
  • New Quit button
  • Confirm key added
  • Removed draggable window
  • .exe icon changed from default and should now show in the start menu
  • No webcam detected prompt comes up
  • "Anger" changed to "snarl" to make it consistent
  • Add/Remove features Face Switch icon is now showing
  • The .FaceSwitch2.0 folder is deleted during installation

2.0.4 - October 14 2019


  • Installer icon change
  • Face Switch icon change
  • Left and right click buttons added
  • Left and Right Click simulated mouse click functionality added
  • Confirm button added to key assignment

Known Bugs

  • Page up and Page down may not immediately work when creating hotkey, we are looking into this.
  • Title is still 2.0.3
  • Tab key doesn't work and also some other keys.

2.0.3 - October 7 2019


  • Rearranged widgets on the GUI.
  • Changed QPlainTextEdit StyleSheet.
  • Changed icon for executable.

Known Bugs

  • Installer icon is set to default.
  • Icon is hard to see depending on window color.
  • Thresholds don't always load.
  • Sometimes activated key-binds deactivate the face recognition.
  • The user had to calibrate again once the program was already setup.

2.0.2 - September 26 2019


  • Text boxes are now set to read only.
  • Adjusted dimensions of text boxes.
  • Re-positioned sliders
  • Face feature recognition improved.
  • Readjusted layout.
  • Created new window to change keybinds.

Known Bugs

  • Spacebar cannot be assigned to a hotkey
  • small case "a" automatically assigns to larger case "A"
  • when clicking on a new textbox, the previous text is still there.
  • user isn't notified to calibrate first before using.
  • Thresholds text does not align well with sliders.
  • The question mark icon on the title bar changes your mouse cursor.
  • If you had previous json files stored on your computer you will receive an error. To fix this you will need to troubleshoot your .json file.