Building and Running - accandme/openplum GitHub Wiki


Before we can talk about executing queries, we must first generate, import, and partition the data. To be executed on the TPC-H database, the data must first be generated using dbgen.

Once generated, the utility script from the tools directory can be used to prepare the PostgreSQL nodes, import the data, and partition it. The basic usage of the script is as follows:

./ [scale]

The scale argument is the scale factor and is needed to identify the local directory where the .tbl files generated by dbgen are stored, as well as to partition the data correctly. The script looks for these files inside the ./datasets/<scale> directory. If this argument is omitted, the script uses the scale 0.1.

The script must be configured with the nodes which to load the data on. There are four parameters that must be specified, located in the “Settings” section in the beginning of the script:

  • pguser, the username to use for connecting to the nodes;
  • pgpass, the name of the .pgpass file to use for connecting to the nodes (containing the login details for logging in without being prompted for password);
  • nodelist, the node URLs; and
  • dblist, names of corresponding databases used on each node, where e.g. name given first is the database used by the first node from nodelist.

Finally, the script requires the following files in the same directory as itself:

  • create_schema.sql, used to create the TPC-H database schema;
  • create_schema_triggers.sql, used to load the partsupp relation properly (dbgen does not ensure primary key uniqueness while generating this table, which causes PostgreSQL to complain);
  • create_aggs.sql, used to load the intermediate and final flavors of the five typical aggregate functions: MIN, MAX, COUNT, SUM, and AVG;
  • helpers.sql, used to create some helper SQL functions on the nodes; and
  • pg_bloom.sql, used to create the functions required for bloom filtering.

To load the dataset ./datasets/0.01 onto all nodes, simply execute

./ 0.01


The project can be built by running Ant from the root directory of our project. There is a build.xml file which makes it possible to build the project this way. The result of this is a file named data-distributed-db.jar. To build the project, simply go to the root of our project (where the build.xml file is) and execute



A configuration file is required by our program to run, which must be provided as an argument. It specifies the number of nodes where the database is partitioned, and provides JDBC connection strings, usernames, and passwords for accessing these nodes.

We provide a config file called that we used for evaluating the system.

To launch the command-line program for executing queries, simply execute:

java -cp data-distributed-db.jar
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