Cross compiling - acc-/tplink-archer-c2300 GitHub Wiki

Obtaining toolchain

In order to cross-compile, you need a valid toolchain first. Go to and clone the repository.

Archer C2300 is having 64-bit ARMv8 platform. There are two toolchains compatible, install both:

  • brcm-arm-hnd/crosstools-arm-gcc-5.3-linux-4.1-glibc-2.22-binutils-2.25 for building 32 bit applications
  • brcm-arm-hnd/crosstools-aarch64-gcc-5.3-linux-4.1-glibc-2.22-binutils-2.25 for building 64 bit applications

Follow the instructions from the mentioned github repository to setup valid paths.

In my case I also had to install two libraries:

sudo apt install libc6-i386 lib32stdc++6

Precompiled files

I built some basic files (eg dropbear) using 32-bit toolchain. Please see the details here