Another nanonet tutorial... - acbaBaz/Nanonet-Tutorial GitHub Wiki

This tutorial is based on nanonet and consist of following steps.

  1. Download the image
  2. Building a network test
  3. Test srv6

Download the image:

Building a network test:

  • Run command line, type: cd nanonet

  • Create a new topology: leafpad example.ntfl

  • Setup the topology by save this network into example.ntfl
    A B 1 0.2 100000
    A C 1 0.2 100000
    B C 1 0.2 100000

  • Generate the topology: tools/ example.ntfl Test > topos/

  • Build the network: ./build topos/ Test

Test segment routing ipv6

  • Run the network as root:
    sudo su

  • Enter to node A:
    ip netns exec A bash

  • Record the loopback interface (lo) ipv6 address of Node A and Node C:
    ip netns exec A ifconfig
    inet6 addr: fc00:2:0:1::1/64 Scope:Global
    ip netns exec C ifconfig
    inet6 addr: fc00:2:0:2::1/64 Scope:Global

  • Ping the network from A to C:
    ip netns exec A ping6 -I fc00:2:0:1::1 fc00:2:0:2::1

  • Result:
    PING fc00:2:0:2::1(fc00:2:0:2::1) from fc00:2:0:1::1 : 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from fc00:2:0:2::1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.12 ms
    64 bytes from fc00:2:0:2::1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=4.12 ms
    64 bytes from fc00:2:0:2::1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=4.23 ms

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