Pre Final exam review - acavataio/ITC-136 GitHub Wiki

  • copying the VM, importing to HyperV

Quick Review:
look at processes on a machine:
cat - looking at files
ps - just show your local terminal output - "aux" is the argument to show all
top - top 10 process in order of cpu hogging
last - shows everyone who has logged in and rebooted
who - last login
lastlog - who has logged in
to kill user, find process id using ps aux and then kill the PID number (kill 1022) or kill -u by username
"cd ~" to go to home
"cd /" goes to root
vi or vim to edit file
sudo apt-get name to install package
apt cache search (name) to search for package
history (for all commands) >> filename (to create file of history output) and second user will append first history
man and then command (man vim) to see manual page for command.
search for man page by "man -k" and get help on man with "man man"