Class notes 5 09 - acavataio/ITC-136 GitHub Wiki

5-9-2017 1pm

all about users:

  • creating a user Tom adduser tom -c "he's really cool"

Review HW:

adduser v. useradd:
adduser is only on Debian based OS, it is a Perl script wrapped around useradd.
-default makes home directory
-default makes a group by same name
-automatically copy items from SKEL and setups GUI environment
-useradd low level utility for adding users. No script
-exists everywhere in Linux and unix
-useradd doesnt create home directory

  • -d create specific home directory
  • -m creates user with a home directory

LDAP for same across network (like AD) adds users and groups to network.
(both LDAP and AD use Light Weight Directory Access Protocol
system accounts 100-500
user accounts 1000 and above

deluser v. userdel:

-2 different group management philosophies, project and user.
/project - people into groups by work they are doing, added to "users" at startup and all else is a project group
/user - people into groups based on their own choice, each user gets a group and adds other users as needed.
