Class notes 5 04 - acavataio/ITC-136 GitHub Wiki

_Review Assignments: _

  1. Complete github assignment and github for noobs.
  2. Read Ch13 - Creating users accts w passwords and groups.
  3. Lab today - create 3 users and connect to 3 machines, create doc for how to do both.

Moving to Ch13 User Management:
install VIM and ssh
Different users required to separate processes and permissions for different people. Can selectively end processes and restrict access for different people.
You control root access with the sudoers file. Edit with ViSudo. Sudoer is complex, many commands are commented out. first part is user - second part is groups /(what they can do)
Each service runs as a user.
/etc is where all of the commands are kept.
CAT PASSWD | Less - lists all users in the format below
username:UID:GID:comment:Home:command interpreter (user shell)
Man page for passwd - starts with synopsis - description - options
** man -k (keyword) to search man pages **
to write changes ctrl-x
to test sudo cat /etc/sudoers

Github upload: