week2 - acanyon/RubyTuesdays-ConnectFour GitHub Wiki


$ game = Game.new
$ game.board
  • Calling on board (an array of arrays)

$ game.board[0][0] = 'red'

[0][0] is the default position for bottom left 1st is column, 2nd is the row

$ puts game.pretty_print
$ game.current
$ game.current_player
$ game.status
=> in progress
=> red                           *player 1
=> blue                          *player 2
  • saving your game: $ game.save!

  • prompt line to display all the connect four method: $ ls

command to run rspec

$ rspec spec                          *running all specifications
$ rspec spec/filename                 *running specific file
$ rspec spec/filename line            *running specific line in file