Preparation - acanda/scala-intro-dojo GitHub Wiki

Install the Scala IDE

The Scala IDE requires a JDK 6 or later. Download and install the Oracle JDK if you haven't already done so.

Download and install the Scala IDE.

Download the code

Download and extract it anywhere you like. The path of the folder where you extracted the zip will be called <root> from now on.

Install the ScalaTest plug-in

  • Start the Scala IDE and use <root>/workspace as your workspace folder
  • Open the plug-in installation dialog: Help > Install New Software...
  • Select Work with: Scala IDE -
  • Select ScalaTest for Scala IDE from the list of available plug-ins Install ScalaTest
  • Click Next a few times to complete the installation

Run a test to see if everything works.

On the left side of the Scala IDE you should see the Package Explorer with all the files in your workspace. Open the project Scala Intro and navigate to the file src/test/scala/intro/HelloFunSuite.scala. Right-click and select Run As > Scala Test - File to run the tests in this file. If the tests are executed (and fail) then you're ready for the dojo. Execute ScalaTest

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