ICollection - acadet/ludivine GitHub Wiki

Base interface for collections which provides generic operations. T types content.

Some operations return new instance of original caller. For instance, calling select() on a Queue will return a new Queue.

Current implementations



average(getter : Func<T, number>) : number

Computes average value from element using provided getter.


getter Returns value to compute for any element

exists(selector : Func<T, boolean>) : boolean

Tests if there is an element matching provided condition.


selector Condition to match

find(selector : Func<T, boolean>) : T

Finds first element matching condition. Default result is null.


selector Condition to match

forEach(action : Action<T>) : void

Applies provided action to each element of collection. Mind order of collection is preserved.


action Application

intersect(collection : ICollection<T>) : ICollection<T>

Computes intersection of two collections.


collection Data source

map(action : Func<T, T>) : ICollection<T>

Applies operation to each element and returns edited collection.


action Map operation

max(getter : Func<T, number>) : T

Computes maximum from elements using provided getter.


getter Returns value to use for any element

min(getter : Func<T, number>) : T

Computes minimum from elements using provided getter.


getter Returns value to use for any element

select(selector : Func<T, boolean>) : ICollection<T>

Applies a filter on collection.


selector Returns true if element must be kept

sum(getter : Func<T, number>) : number

Sums values from elements using provided getter.


getter Returns value to sum for any element

toArray() : Array<T>

Reproduces collection as an array.

toDictionary<K, V>(keyGetter : Func<T, K>, valueGetter : Func<T, V>) : IDictionary<K, V>

Reproduces collection as a dictionary.


keyGetter Returns key from source element

valueGetter Returns value from source element

toList() : IList<T>

Reproduces collection as a list.

union(collection : ICollection<T>) : ICollection<T>

Gathers two collections. Duplicates are removed.


collection Data source

uniq() : ICollection<T>

Removes duplicates from collection.

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