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In your composer.json, add the following to your "require" object:

"academies-trust/less-framework": "*"

In your cmd or equivalent, run

composer install

At the top of your app.less, include the standards. In a standard installation of Laravel 5.1 this looks a little something like this:

@import "../../../vendor/academies-trust/less-framework/standards";

The next time you run gulp, the standards will be imported.


Please see the pages on the right for component usage.

This package uses bootstrap grid, the documentation of which can be found here: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid

Initial Setup

It is required to set up your colour scheme. In your app.less file, add the following variables (with your own colours):

@primary: #ff5722;
@primary-toolbar: #E64A19;
@primary-light: #FFCCBC;
@accent: #0091EA;

To effectively choose your colours, it is worth looking here: http://www.google.co.uk/design/spec/style/color.html#color-color-palette


It is recommended that you do not update the files in the framework directly, as they will be overwritten when an update is published.

Instead, you should create a modules and/or a components folder within your resources/assets/less. Include any of these within your app.less.