Registered Users List - ac486/IS421 GitHub Wiki

This page allows for administrators to see a list of registered users.

User Story

As an Admin, I can see a list of registered users, so that I can log in as their account

As an Admin, I can see a list of registered users, so that I can grant a user administrative access.

As an Admin, I can see a list of registered users, so that I can delete and/or edit the users account


Scenario 1: Administrative Takeover
Given that the admin has administrative power and they are helping a user, when they scroll through the list of users they can log in as the specific user and diagnose/troubleshoot issues

Scenario 2: Granting Administrative Access
Given that the admin has administrative power and the user they want to promote is trusted, he/she may check off their name on the user list and change their authority.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️