Cars – Meshes splitting - ac-custom-shaders-patch/acc-extension-config GitHub Wiki

Nothing to see here, really. The whole thing was added so a couple of cars could work with local cubemaps. Meant for some very rare cases of preparing a config to an already existing car where for some reason you would need to split a mesh in two bits.

Requires a game restart in order for changes to take effect. Must be placed above any other sections that act on the split meshes.

Splitting does not function recursively, you cannot split a split mesh for a second time.


ACTIVE = 1 			; Quickly enable or disable section
MESHES = mesh 	    		; List of meshes to cut
SPLIT_NAME = name 		; Specify exact mesh name of new split mesh
SPLIT_POSTFIX = 	   	; Postfix for the new split mesh, not used if name is set explicitly
SPLIT_MATERIAL = name 		; Specify exact material name of new split mesh
SPLIT_MATERIAL_POSTFIX = 	; Postfix for the material for the new split mesh, not used if name is set explicitly
INSERT_TO = node 		; Specify new parent for new mesh
MODE = 				; Available options:
				; PLANE = Split along a plane based on the SPLIT_AXIS 
				; LOOK_AT = Split mesh triangles facing given direction 
				; COPY_FLIPPED = Take mesh, duplicate, then invert direction. Useful to to fix missing interior windows

LOOK_AT = 0, 0, 0 		; Cut mesh triangles facing this point relative to the parent of the mesh
LOOK_AT_THRESHOLD = 0 		; Specify how precisely the faces must be facing the above point to be selected. 0 for all.

SPLIT_AXIS = 1, 0, 0   		; axis to cut mesh by (cut will be perpendicular to it, where X is lateral, Y is Longitudinal, Z is vertical
SPLIT_THRESHOLD = 0.0  		; offset for cut along the line, in meters

MODEL_SPACE = 0 		; Convert the co-ordinates to use the car root node instead of mesh parent node

Just to clarify, it’s not actually cutting, no triangles will be split in two. Just regrouping existing triangles into two different meshes.

Features to add later

  • More separation? Maybe one day it could help with adding turn signals and such without extra KN5s.