Windows Installation - abyo/nvim-windows GitHub Wiki

Windows installation is funky when it comes to LUA and compilers for neoVim. Here's a step by step installation for my config on Windows 10!

Obviously, you need neoVim to be installed on your machine before reading past this message. If you don't have it installed, you can follow this article. Stop before the title Configuring NeoVim – the easiest way.

Step 1: Installation

First, let's start by installing stuff to make this config works.

  • LUA is installed with WinLua, necessary for the config in general
  • Git is installed with Git, necessary for tree-sitter and git plugins
  • Scoop is installed with Scoop, necessary to install lazygit
  • Hack Nerd font is installed with Hack, necessary for some plugins icons

Don't forget to reboot your computer after installing everything. Let's move on to specific plugins now.

Step 2: Open neoVim

Before installing specific plugin stuff, we need to open neoVim to install our package manager packer. Simply launch neoVim, launch a file in the config (init.lua for example). At this point, neoVim should install packer by itself, when it's done, just relaunch neoVim.

Before going to next step, use scoop to install fzf and ripgrep: scoop install fzf ripgrep

Step 3: Lazygit & tree-sitter

Now that our package manager is setup and that plugins are installed, we need to type a command to make the lazygit plugins work, simply open a powershell in admin then type: scoop bucket add extras to add extras then scoop install lazygit to install lazygit. Done!


This plugin is mandatory and offers better syntax highlighting (and way more...), the issue is that it's pretty confusing to install on Windows. First, we need to install the compiler (zig and llvm), simply open a powershell in admin then type: scoop install zig llvm. Done!

PS: if you have any errors during the installation of the parsers, just close your window then restart neovim.

Step 4: Install plugins

All that's left to do is install plugins. Go in the lua/plugins.lua file and save by using :w or just use the shortcut C-s.