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Upgrading to the online environment is what would allow us to use websockets over the internet, not that you cannot use the original websocket, its just that many unexpected behaviors and some complexities is better handled through that library. With this fully fledged library, the following is offered as an advantage:

  • Real time duplex communication made easier.
  • Supports more browser inconsistencies.
  • Allows for automatic reconnect and other basic infrastructure features.
  • Most used and therefore better supported library alternative along with the websocket.
  • Would still work over proxies and firewalls

Irl Applications

Of these applications, you might be familiar with chat services, real time push notifications, collaboration applications such as trello and gaming networks that allow fast response and direct changes made to an environment shared by a range from two to thousands of players at the same time. The dependency in JavaScript makes use of express to build the environment.


Most commands carry over from websockets that you just recently used, as simple wraps them around custom function calls for simplicity and usability. But, we cannot interface between websockets and implementation, the interface is simply different with additional metadata from over the pipeline of data.