React Native Plus - abukhalil-LTUC-ASAC/amman-401d4 GitHub Wiki

Some more of that mobile development.

There are few key knowledge points we would need to score before moving on to further development.

Deployment and updates.

For most app purchases, you will get a flat 70% of the revenue with some caveats. Now that aside, there are some notes on when to update your app considering that you will have to update at some point or another after the initial release. Starting with How:

  • OTA: Over-The-Air is a method where apps are directly installed into devices, which is what is possible with react native bundles, just like the web the update is instantaneous, assuming users want that update.
  • Store: Both Google and Apple have some sorts of reviewing process to make sure all code is up to standards in terms of security first, then safety second. This makes it take a while longer and might interfere with timing updates such as certain events if not planned carefully.

Lets go through the When quickly:

  • OTA: Most changes relates to quick patches and bug fixes, as any major change could trigger app withdrawal/trouble with Google and Apple since they have strict policy of reviewing before publishing any big changes. Most changes happen within the /src directory are OK.
  • Store: Any changes that are major, or touching the native components should be sent through the store anyway. Including updating react-native and applying third party bundles to the project, just to be safe and sure.

With which tools? There are a couple to take into consideration, cutting time and energy needed to update apps through these methods:

Follow this.checklist to start deployment per platform.

Additional development tips

Some platform specific code might be needed, whether because some features only exists on one platform, or the need to specify the version of that platform, or even a native module check that is platform specific before launching your app. React native has a platform module to do some heavy lifting to detect these for you.

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