Data Structures: Of Stack & Queues - abukhalil-LTUC-ASAC/amman-401d4 GitHub Wiki

Linked Lists, then what?

You must be familiar right now of what the list offers, a way to think about the structure that is quite different from arrays and objects, in an orderly manner.

Two different ways to represent linked lists is shown

There are two famous ways irl linear data structures are represented, a Stack, and a Queue. These two mostly differ in the way they would insert and remove data.


Has the way of FILO (First in Last out) and LIFO (Last in First Out) where data is imagined as in a vertical order, and manipulation only happens on the very top of the data, think of browser callstack.


Has the way of FIFO (First in First out) and LILO (Last in Last out) where data is imagined as data pushed into a horizontal tunnel, and manipulation only happens at the both ends of that tunnel (One for insert, one for removal), think of CPU's.