NodePWATemplate Documentation - abuMiguel/NodePwaTemplate GitHub Wiki


This template is packed with features and includes boiler plate code for the following:

  • PWA manifest
  • service worker registration using Workbox
  • html email sending service using email templates
  • uploading files
  • database access layer using async functions with sqlite3
  • a sqlite database with a user table, configuration table, and error log table
  • NodeJS server using Express
  • authentication using Passport with local strategy
  • sessions using express-session
  • route protection
  • password encryption/decryption
  • flash messages
  • error handling and logging
  • user registration over email
  • material lite login form


The email functionality using nodemailer requires a from email address. This is configurable in the Sqlite db in the config table. Setup the values in the existing table or replace them as you see fit, but it will not work out-of-the-box without this setup. There is also a secret phrase included that is needed for password encryption using CryptoJS. It will work with the default value, but you should change it.