Milestone 7.1 Ansibilizing centOS - absentee-neptune/SYS-480 GitHub Wiki

Deploying centOS 1-3

  • Using cloner.ps1 and cloner.json from Milestone 6, deploy three linked clones of centOS.7.base on the BLUE8_LAN network
  • links to files:

Getting the IP Addresses

  • Using the getIP() function created in utility.ps1, get the IPs of the deployed centOS systems, and put them in an Ansible file under [centos_server]. This is so that, using ansible, we can check the connection by pinging the three systems.
    • command to ping systems using Ansible:
      • ansible centos_server -m ping -i ansible_provision_7.txt -u deployer --ask-pass
  • links to files:

Checking the DHCP Leases

  • ssh into fw-blue8 to review the DHCP service:
    • show dhcp server statistics
    • show dhcp server leases

Ansible Scripts

Make sure the apropriate IP addresses are added to the Ansible Provisioning files for the appropriate connection

  • Two Ansible Scripts are to be created:
    • One to push the public key of xubuntu-wan to the deployed centOS machines to allow password-less log-ins
    • Another to change the network settings of the deployed centOS machines to static IP addresses using the proper configurations