Milestone 11 Super Ubuntu - absentee-neptune/SYS-480 GitHub Wiki

Installing Ubuntu on SuperX Server

  • When logged into the SuperMicro server, under the tab Virtual Media select CD-ROM Image
  • Pull up File Explorer to navigate to the \\foster-synology.cyber.local share host Devin created
    • Input the foster-synology credentials to continue
    • Proceed through the 480-SHARE and select the Unbuntu 20.10 Server .iso file and copy the path
  • Back in the CD-ROM Image menu input the appropriate information into the text boxes
    • Don't forget to add .iso at the end of the path file
    • Save and then mount the image
  • Under the tab Remote Control select iKVM/HTML5
    • Select the link to launch it
  • Under the Power Control tab select Set Power Reset to restart the server
    • When prompted press F11 on the virtual keyboard to invoke the Boot Menu
  • Under the boot device menu select the Virtual CDROM option to launch the Ubuntu Server installer
    • When loaded press Enter through the default options to continue through the installer
    • A prompt will pop up to select a disk to install Ubuntu on, select the Micron disk
    • When prompted, then select to Install Ubuntu and overwrite the data already on the server
    • When prompted, select the option to have OpenSSH installed
    • Finally, wait for the installation to complete

Configuring Ubuntu

  • Once logged in, create the following file: /etc/netplan/netplan.yaml
    • Then make sure the following information is within the file to change the networking from DHCP to Static:
  • Change the hostname with the following command:
    • sudo hostnamectl set-hostname super8
  • Use the following command to apply the settings and reboot the system:
    • sudo netplan apply | reboot
  • Once rebooted, make sure you can ssh into the server

Installing Docker

When installing the repo for docker, make sure to specify the focal install type and not the default.
Make sure the user that is using Docker is not only in the sudo group, but also in the adm and docker groups.

sshfs and SuperX

  • Install sshfs on the local machine used to ssh into the remote server
  • On the remote server, clone the github repository for class and make a docker directory
  • On the local machine, create a folder called super8-mount
    • Mount the folder to the directory on the remote server with the following command:

Milestone Completion

Weekly Reflection

Milestone 11 Demo