introduction - absenceio/PublicAPI GitHub Wiki

#Introduction ##RESTful

We created the API for, as a RESTful Webservice. REST [(REST on Wiki)] ( is a programming paradigm, a set of guidelines and best practices for web services.

According to that set of methods we are providing you our data with explicit identification. That way any application or service can use the data we provide, regardless of it being an in-house development, an addition from us or a third party development.

Through the schematics offered by REST, the use of so-called HTTP-Verbs is advised, in order to execute certain commands. The most well-known are as follows:

  1. GET is used to retrieve ressources, mainly data
  2. POST is used to create new data and to retrieve list data
  3. PUT updates existing data
  4. DELETE is used to delete data

##Formats The absence.api only supports JSON.

##See also

  • [Authentification] (../wiki/Authentification)
  • [Use of the API] (../wiki/Use-of-the-API)
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