3. Change the note - abseabse/peos GitHub Wiki


tasker ch <ID_note> [ch <new_text>] # [tag1], [tag2], ..., [tag]


Changes the text and tags for a note. Note should be specified by ID. If no tag specified, tags will not be changed. But if there is a hash symbol (and no tags entered) all the existing tags will be removed from note.

Example 1: tasker ch 1 ch foo. The text of the first note (as we provided ID) will be changed to new text entered. As we do not enter tags, tags of the note will not be changed.

Example 2: tasker ch 1 ch foo # Friday. The text of the first note will be changed (see example 1). As we have entered a tag, note will have only one tag - Friday.

Example 3: tasker ch 1 ch foo #. The text of the first note will be changed (see example 1). As we have entered a tag, note will have no tags at all.

Example 4: tasker ch 1 #. The text of the first note will not be changed. All the tags will be removed from the note.

Example 5: tasker ch 1 # Friday. The text of the first note will not be changed. All the tags will be removed from the note and a new tag - Friday - will be applied.


Maybe, it's reasonable to implement more universal command, that allow to change a number of notes at once. For example: tasker ch problem, task # soon. tag "soon" is attached to all the notes that contains word "problem" or word "task".

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