ABS Partner Integration API Guide - abs-warranty/integrations GitHub Wiki


Welcome to the ABS Partner API Doc.

The URL for the API is https://data.absintegrations.com. There will be a version number, endpoint and company name added to the end of the URL for each partner so your API URL will look like


The API uses a very simple REST protocol that, once authorized, just takes a FORM POST with some authorization info in the headers and a JSON representation of the data being sent in the body of the POST.


For authentication ABS uses standard JWT tokens encrypted with a secret key that ABS will provide. We use the HS256 encryption format and will assign a partner id to be sent as a JWT claim. Think of the way we use JWTs as modern API keys without the security exposure of basic authentication. JWTs can be created by most web development libraries and can be tested out at sites like this one:


If your systems are not equipped to handle JWT token-based authentication, please contact us to discuss simpler but less secure options.

ABS will assign each partner a client secret (a long string of random numbers) and a partner id.

Using standard web development libraries, the partner will generate a JWT token using the assigned secret with partnerid: and claimdate: in the claims (a standard in JWT).

The partner will call the API with a standard HTTP POST that has the following Headers set:
header 'authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>'
header 'content-type: application/json'

If anything goes wrong with the Authentication the API will return 401 (Unauthorized)

Sending Data

The body of the post will be a JSON representation of the object being passed (Registrations, Claims, Sales or Cancellations) and the fields listed below in the data dictionary.

Numbers should be passed as true numbers to make validation simpler, strings will be quoted as standard JSON.

Return code will be standard HTTP Status codes with more information about each post as JSON in the body

Return Codes:

  • 200 (Success) Successful POST, all records written
  • 206 (Partial Content) A post with multiple records had some written and some rejected. The body will be a JSON array of the records accepted and the the fields that caused errors
  • 400 (Bad Request) The POST was missing required fields or all records were rejected. The body will be a JSON array of the fields that caused the error
  • 401 (Unauthorized) Failed authorization, check your Partner ID and JWT Token


While testing and debugging you can read and write from testing tables rather than the production ones. This will keep testing data nicely segregated. All you need to do is POST to partners/mycompany_test rather than partners/mycompany the url like this:


Record Types the API Accepts

The API accepts four main record types, they may not all be applicable to your use case.

  • Registrations
  • Cancellations
  • Claims
  • Sales

Some key logic to understand:

  • A Registration can only be cancelled once
  • Claims can only be submitted to a valid registration (not cancelled, not expired)
  • Claims can only be submitted to a registration if there are still tires insured on the claim

Below is a list of our standard tables and their fields. If your system can’t generate each of these or if your system has key fields not listed, please contact ABS to discuss your specifics.

The Field Name listed below will be the JSON label for the application/json body of the POST to the API.


  • Note: Only send in one registration per invoice. If you sell more than one of the same tire, use TireCount and the DOT1, DOT2 etc fields. Resending the same ShopID and InvoiceNumber will update the registration, not add a new one.
Field Name Field Desc Data Type Required Notes
OrgID Organization ID string (50) N Optional field for grouping things like ownership groups. Will be blank if not passed in
ShopID Dealer/Store/Shop ID string(25) Y Shop where the tires were sold
InvoiceNumber Invoice Number string(50) Y Invoice for the registration
PlanEnrollDate Plan Enroll Date datetime Y Date of enrollment
EmployeeID Employee ID string(50) Y To track individual responsible for TPP sale
CustomerID Customer ID String(50) Y Enables data to be filtered by individual customer (could be customer name or customer id number)
VehicleYear Vehicle Year string(25) Four-digit year
VehicleMake Vehicle Make string(25)
VehicleModel Vehicle Model string(25)
VIN VIN string(50) If available
CurrentMileage Current Vehicle Mileage int Mileage at time of TPP registration/sale
TiresCovered Count of Tires Covered int Y How many tires are covered on this registration
TPPPrice TPP Price money Y TPP Price Per Tire
TireBrand Tire Make/Brand string(25) Y For all tire sales with an attached TPP
TireModel Tire Model string(25) “”
TireSize Tire Size string(25) Y “”
TirePrice Tire Retail Price money Y Tire Retail Price Per Tire
TireCost Tire Wholesale Price money Y Tire Wholesale Cost Per Tire
TireDOT1 TireDOT1 string(25) Y For all tire sales with an attached TPP / if available
TireDOT2 TireDOT2 string(25) “”
TireDOT3 TireDOT3 string(25) “”
TireDOT4 TireDOT4 string(25) “”
TireDOT5 TireDOT5 string(25) “”
TireDOT6 TireDOT6 string(25) “”
CommercialVehicle Commercial Vehicle string(5) Yes or No (Default is No)


Field Name Field Desc Data Type Required Notes
OrgID Organization ID string (50) N Optional field for grouping by things like ownership groups. Will be blank if not passed in
ShopID Dealer/Store/Shop ID string(25) Y Shop where the registration was sold
InvoiceNumber Repair Invoice Number string(25) Y Invoice Number for the original registration sale
ClaimDate Claim Date datetime Y Date of claim
RepairShopID Original Store / ShopID string(25) Y Shop ID where the repair was performed
RepairlnvoiceNumber Original Invoice Number string(50) Y Invoice from the repair work
VIN VIN string(50) If available
VehicleMileage Vehicle Mileage at Time of Claim int Mileage at the time of repair
TireClaimCount Count of Tires in Claim int Y How many tires were repaired
CreditAmount Amount Credited to Customer (Total) money Y Discount amount * quantity
CostPerUnit Amount the Claim Cost Per Unit money Y Replacement cost per tire at time of repair
TireLocation1 Location of tire 1 on vehicle string(200) Ex. “front passenger” or “right front”
TireLocation2 Location of tire 2 on vehicle string(200) ""
TireLocation3 Location of tire 3 on vehicle string(200) ""
TireLocation4 Location of tire 4 on vehicle string(200) ""
TireLocation5 Location of tire 5 on vehicle string(200) ""
TireLocation6 Location of tire 6 on vehicle string(200) ""
ServiceDescription Service Classification / Description string(200) i.e., "sidewall" or "screw in tread" - incorporate dropdown into POS screen?
TireBrand Replacement Tire Make/Brand string(25) Y
TireModel Replacement Tire Model string(25)
TireSize Replacement Tire Size string(25) Y
TireCost Replacement Tire Price money Y

Note on Claims: To accommodate retransmissions any claim with identical OrgID, ShopID, InvoiceNumber, RepairShopID and RepairInvoiceNumber will be treated as an update, not a new claim.


Field Name Field Desc Data Type Required Notes
OrgID Organization ID string (50) N Optional field for grouping by things like ownership groups. Will be blank if not passed in
ShopID Dealer/Store/Shop ID string(25) Y Shop that made the sale
InvoiceNumber Sale Invoice Number string(25) Y Invoice number for the sale
SaleDate Date Sold datetime Y Date of the sale
TireCount Count of Tires Covered int Y Number of tires sold
TireBrand Tire Make/Brand string(25) Y for all tire sales with and without an attached TPP
TireModel Tire Model string(25) “”
TireSize Tire Size string(25) Y “”
TirePrice Tire Retail Price money Y “” what customer pays
TireCost Tire Wholesale Price money Y “” what shop pays


Field Name Field Desc Data Type Required Notes
OrgID Organization ID string (50) N Optional field for grouping. For example ownership group. Blank if not passed in
ShopID Dealer/Store/Shop ID string(25) Y Shop ID from original sale and registration
InvoiceNumber Sale Invoice Number string(25) Y Invoice from the original sale and registration
CancelShopID Dealer/Store/Shop ID string(25) Y Shop ID where the tire registrations were cancelled
CancelInvoiceNumber Sale Invoice Number string(25) Y Invoice from the the shop where tire registrations were cancelled
TireCancelCount Count of Tires Cancelled int Y How many tires were cancelled
CancelDate Date Cancelled datetime Y Date of the cancellation

Note on Cancellations: To accommodate retransmissions any cancellation with identical OrgID, ShopID, InvoiceNumber, CancelShopID and CancelInvoiceNumber will be treated as an update, not a new cancellation.

Notes on data types:

Numeric Data: ABS can usually convert from string representations to appropriate numbers.

Date Time: All dates should be ISO 8601 format YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS in UTC time zone preferably or with designated offset from UTC. If your system is always synced to a specific time zone let us know and we can create a custom import based on a static time zone.

Money: Money / dollar amounts should be numeric with 2 decimal point precision or a matching string representation.

If any of data fields are required and empty or malformed, the API will return a HTTP status 400 “Bad Request”. It should be easy to determine which fields are not present in the JSON data or badly formed, feel free to contact us if seemingly valid data is being rejected.


Call the API with the JWT as bearer token and a content type of application/json with the data in the body. Each call should give you a 200 success with “Successfully Posted” as the response.

Registrations Example

curl --request POST \
--url https://data.absintegrations.com/v2/partners/[companyName] \
--header 'authorization: Bearer eyJhb...SQj6A' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data {
"Registrations": [
"ShopID": "005308",
"InvoiceNumber": "1044273",
"PlanEnrollDate": "2018-12-04",
"EmployeeID": "JP0078",
"CustomerID": "5108-460340",
"VehicleYear": "08",
"VehicleMake": "GMC TRUCK",
"VehicleModel": "SIERRA 1500 PICKUP",
"VIN": "2GTEC19C481101249",
"CurrentMileage": "187437",
"TiresCovered": 4,
"TPPPrice": 995.68,
"TireBrand": "NIT",
"TireModel": "P265/65R18 112T NITTO CROSSTEK 2",
"TireSize": "2656518",
"TirePrice": 188.99,
"TireCost": 105.98,
"TireDOT1": "DOT 73C2 KLH0913",
"CommercialVehicle": "false"

Claims Example

curl --request POST \
--url https://data.absintegrations.com/v2/partners/[companyName] \
--header 'authorization: Bearer eyJhb...SQj6A' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data {
"Claims": [
"ShopID": "0056678",
"InvoiceNumber": "35554367",
"ClaimDate": "2020-01-27",
"ShopID": "0056698",
"InvoiceNumber": "9994498",
"VehicleMileage": 96192,
"TireClaimCount": 4,
"CreditAmount": 64.04,
"CostPerUnit": 60.00,
"ServiceType": "REPLACE",
"ServiceDescription": "FLAT REPAIR PASSENGER REAR",
"TireBrand": "SUM",
"TireModel": "235/60R18/XL 107V HTR A/S P02 BLK",
"TireSize": "2356018",
"TireCost" : 58.00

Sales Example

curl --request POST \
--url https://data.absintegrations.com/v2/partners/[companyName] \
--header 'authorization: Bearer eyJhb...SQj6A' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data {
"Sales": [
"ShopID": "005054568",
"InvoiceNumber": "354365667",
"SaleDate": "2020-01-27",
"TireCount": 4,
"TireBrand": "SUM",
"TireModel": "235/60R18/XL 107V HTR A/S P02 BLK",
"TireSize": "2356018",
"TirePrice": 225.09,
"TireCost": 195.09

Cancellations Example

curl --request POST \
--url https://data.absintegrations.com/v2/partners/[companyName] \
--header 'authorization: Bearer eyJhb...SQj6A' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data {
"Cancellations": [
"ShopID": "005054568",
"InvoiceNumber": "354365667",
"CancelShopID": "005054568",
"CancelInvoiceNumber": "365365167",
"TireCancelCount": "1",
"CancelDate": "2020-01-27"

Querying Back Responses with GET

All four data items (Registrations, Claims, Sales and Cancellations) can also be queried back with a simple HTTP GET request. Use the same authorization header and include the following:

Field Name Values Required
rec registrations, claims, sales or cancellations One of these 4 must be in the GET request
OrgID A valid OrgID if you are using them No
ShopID A valid ShopID Yes
InvoiceNumber A valid InvoiceNumber Yes
  • Note: All dates will be in RFC339 Format "2018-12-04T00:00:00Z"

Example: (Registrations)

curl --location --request GET https://data.absintegrations.com/v2/partners/[companyname]?rec=registrations&partnerid=[partnerid]&shopid=12345&invoicenumber=12345 \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...ciOiJI'


    "PartnerID": 1001,
    "OrgID": "",
    "ShopID": "005108",
    "InvoiceNumber": "104252",
    "PlanEnrollDate": "2018-12-04T00:00:00Z",
    "EmployeeID": "JP006",
    "CustomerID": "5108-491514",
    "VehicleYear": "08",
    "VehicleMake": "LEXUS",
    "VehicleModel": "IS 250",
    "VIN": "JTHBK262X82078324",
    "CurrentMileage": 175920,
    "TiresCovered": 2,
    "TPPPrice": 322.18,
    "TireBrand": "SUM",
    "TireModel": "225/40R18/XL 92W SUMITOMO HTR A/S P02",
    "TireSize": "2254018",
    "TirePrice": 104.98,
    "TireCost": 74.01,
    "TireDOT1": "",
    "TireDOT2": "",
    "TireDOT3": "",
    "TireDOT4": "",
    "TireDOT5": "",
    "TireDOT6": "",
    "CommercialVehicle": "false"

Example: (Claims)

curl --location --request GET https://data.absintegrations.com/v2/partners/[companyname]?rec=claims&partnerid=[partnerid]&shopid=12345&invoicenumber=12345 \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...ciOiJI'


    "PartnerID": 1001,
    "OrgID": "",
    "ShopID": "005108",
    "InvoiceNumber": "104155",
    "ClaimDate": "2020-01-27T00:00:00Z",
    "RepairShopID": "005108",
    "RepairInvoiceNumber": "104273",
    "VIN": "",
    "VehicleMileage": 96192,
    "TireClaimCount": 4,
    "CreditAmount": 64.04,
    "CostPerUnit": 60,
    "ServiceType": "REPLACE",
    "ServiceDescription": "",
    "TireLocation1": "",
    "TireLocation2": "",
    "TireLocation3": "",
    "TireLocation4": "",
    "TireLocation5": "",
    "TireLocation6": "",
    "TireBrand": "SUM",
    "TireModel": "235/60R18/XL 107V SUMITOMO HTR A/S P02 BLK",
    "TireSize": "2356018",
    "TirePrice": 0,
    "TireCost": 58.94

Example: (Cancellations)

curl --location --request GET https://data.absintegrations.com/v2/partners/[companyname]?rec=cancellations&partnerid=[partnerid]&ShopID=12345&InvoiceNumber=12345 \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...ciOiJI'


    "PartnerID": 1001,
    "OrgID": "",
    "ShopID": "005108",
    "InvoiceNumber": "104283",
    "CancelShopID": "005108",
    "CancelInvoiceNumber": "104283",
    "CancelDate": "2020-01-27T00:00:00Z"

Example: (Sales)

curl --location --request GET https://data.absintegrations.com/v2/partners/[companyname]?rec=sales&partnerid=[partnerid]&ShopID=12345&InvoiceNumber=12345 \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...ciOiJI'


    "PartnerID": 1001,
    "OrgID": "",
    "ShopID": "005058",
    "InvoiceNumber": "354404",
    "SaleDate": "2020-01-27T00:00:00Z",
    "TireCount": 1,
    "TireBrand": "",
    "TireModel": "",
    "TireSize": "",
    "TirePrice": 99.99,
    "TireCost": 78.16

Registration Status

This is a special call to check on the status of a registration, call it just like GET Registration but it also returns the current status and number of tires left on the registration.

Possible values for WarrantyStatus

  1. Registration is Active
  2. Registration is Cancelled
  3. No Tires left on Registration
  4. Registration is Expired


  • TiresCovered is the original number of Tires Covered from the Registration
  • TireClaimCount is the total claimed so far
  • TireCancelCount is the total cancelled so far
  • TiresLeft is the number left on the registration

Example: (RegistrationStatus)

curl --location --request GET https://data.absintegrations.com/v2/partners/[companyname]?rec=registrationstatus&partnerid=[partnerid]&ShopID=12345&InvoiceNumber=12345 \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...ciOiJI'


    "RegistrationID": 70,
    "PartnerID": 1001,
    "OrgID": "",
    "ShopID": "005108",
    "InvoiceNumber": "104252",
    "PlanEnrollDate": "2018-12-04T00:00:00Z",
    "CreatedDate": "2018-11-04T00:00:00Z",
    "TiresCovered": 2,
    "TireClaimCount": 0,
    "TireCancelCount": 0,
    "TiresLeft": 2,
    "WarrantyStatus": 1,
    "CancelDate": "",
    "ExpireDate": "",
    "StatusDate": "",
    "Message": "Registration is Active"


  • 200 (Success) The record was retrieved and the requested record will be a JSON object in the body.
  • 400 (Bad Request) Required fields are missing, a listing of the expected fields will be in the body as JSON.
  • 204 (No Content) The GET request had the proper format but that does not match any records in the database. The body will be blank.

Special needs

ABS is here to make the data transfer process simple and friction free, please reach out to [email protected] if you need any help getting this data feed set up.

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