Installing MantisBT - abrt/libreport GitHub Wiki
Mantis Bug Tracker requires webserver, PHP and Database. In this case were used Apache webserver, MySQL database and operating system Fedora 21.
Apache can be installed as follows
sudo yum install httpd
to start Apache type follows
sudo systemctl start httpd
MySQL can be installed as follows
sudo yum install mysql mysql-server
and start it by command
sudo systemctl start mysqld
PHP can be installed as follows
sudo yum install php php-mysql
install LAMP
- Download MantisBt from the official web site
- Copy the downloaded file to the
3. Extract the file as follows
tar -xzf mantisbt-1.2.x.tar.gz
4. You can rename the folder to something simlier. For example
mv mantisbt-1.2.x mantisbt
5. From your web browser execute the installation scrips as follows (where localhost is your server address)
- Follow the instructions of the install script (For more details see MantisBT manual
- Once it is installed, you can log to the mantisBT as administrator (Username:
In case, there is MantisBT timezone warning, you have to specify date.timezone
in the /etc/php.ini
file. For example for Prague we modify section [date]
in php.ini as follows
[Date] ; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions ; date.timezone = "Europe/Prague"
To apply the changes, you must restart apache. You can do this as follows
sudo systemctl restart httpd
See list of supported timezones:
To ensure correct functionality of SOAP API you must install php extension php-soap
, for example as follows
sudo yum install php-soap
After this install is necessary to restart apache server as follows
sudo systemctl restart httpd
This prevents MantisBT error 'Error Type: SYSTEM NOTICE'
SOAP API documentation
Python SOAP API example using suds:
from suds.client import Client
url = ""
client = Client(url)
bug_id = 1234
result = client.service.mc_issue_get("username", "password", bug_id)