systemd journal catalog messages - abrt/abrt GitHub Wiki

Abrt addon / problem type Catalog message ID
C/C++ 5ab0271ecf1941a2b89299716e880661
Python b25955d7738d4db9a498a734620194ef
Python3 4d6f95dd9ff54eb7bd1f32a387f327c3
Xorg 6a9a2826cc074934bff0dd0a45a10453
Kerneloops 8ed36508c5a24d0ab2d633f330899e5f
VMcore ebde29430d524b5fb043138098fd7e89
Java 700efb3f390d46898ce6e28108c15515
Ruby 8c314b67d2d84797883e592d42885401


-- 5ab0271ecf1941a2b89299716e880661
Subject: ABRT has detected crash of @PROBLEM_EXE@
Defined-By: ABRT
Support: @SUPPORT_URL@
Documentation: man:abrt(1)



Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
the problem to appropriate support site.


Oct 07 13:04:40 abrt-hook-ccpp[24117]: Process 24116 (will_segfault) of user 1000 killed by SIGSEGV - dumping core
Oct 07 13:04:40 abrt-notification[24175]: Process 24116 (will_segfault) crashed in crash()
-- Subject: ABRT has detected crash of will_segfault
-- Defined-By: ABRT
-- Support:
-- Documentation: man:abrt(1)
-- will_segfault killed by SIGSEGV
-- #1 [will_segfault] crash
-- #2 [will_segfault] crash
-- #3 [will_segfault] f
-- #4 [will_segfault] callback
-- #5 [] call_me_back
-- Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
-- the problem to appropriate support site.


-- b25955d7738d4db9a498a734620194ef
Subject: ABRT has detected an uncaught exception of @PROBLEM_TYPE@ in @PROBLEM_EXE@
Defined-By: ABRT
Support: @SUPPORT_URL@
Documentation: man:abrt(1)



Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
the problem to appropriate support site.


Oct 07 13:05:52 abrt-notification[24268]: Process 15214 (will_python_raise) of user 0 encountered an uncaught ZeroDivisionError exception
-- Subject: ABRT has detected an uncaught exception of ZeroDivisionError in will_python_raise
-- Defined-By: ABRT
-- Support:
-- Documentation: man:abrt(1)
-- will_python_raise:3:<module>:ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
-- #1 [/bin/will_python_raise:3] <module>
-- Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
-- the problem to appropriate support site.


-- 4d6f95dd9ff54eb7bd1f32a387f327c3
Subject: ABRT has detected an uncaught exception of @PROBLEM_TYPE@ in @PROBLEM_EXE@
Defined-By: ABRT
Support: @SUPPORT_URL@
Documentation: man:abrt(1)



Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
the problem to appropriate support site.


Oct 07 13:06:34 abrt-notification[24316]: Process 18466 (will_python3_raise) of user 0 encountered an uncaught ZeroDivisionError exception
-- Subject: ABRT has detected an uncaught exception of ZeroDivisionError in will_python3_raise
-- Defined-By: ABRT
-- Support:
-- Documentation: man:abrt(1)
-- will_python3_raise:3:<module>:ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
-- #1 [/bin/will_python3_raise:3] <module>
-- Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
-- the problem to appropriate support site.


-- 6a9a2826cc074934bff0dd0a45a10453
Subject: ABRT has detected crash of display server
Defined-By: ABRT
Support: @SUPPORT_URL@
Documentation: man:abrt(1)


Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
the problem to appropriate support site.


Oct 07 13:13:58 abrt-notification[24948]: Display server Xorg crash in OsLookupColor()
-- Subject: ABRT has detected crash of display server
-- Defined-By: ABRT
-- Support:
-- Documentation: man:abrt(1)
-- Received signal 11 sent by process 4025, uid 0
-- Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
-- the problem to appropriate support site.


-- ebde29430d524b5fb043138098fd7e89
Subject: ABRT has detected a fatal system error
Defined-By: ABRT
Support: @SUPPORT_URL@
Documentation: man:abrt(1)


Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
the problem to appropriate support site.


Oct 07 13:15:25 abrt-notification[25910]: System encountered a fatal error in source_load()
-- Subject: ABRT has detected a fatal system error
-- Defined-By: ABRT
-- Support:
-- Documentation: man:abrt(1)
-- kernel paging request at source_load
-- Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
-- the problem to appropriate support site.


-- 8ed36508c5a24d0ab2d633f330899e5f
Subject: ABRT has detected a non-fatal system error
Defined-By: ABRT
Support: @SUPPORT_URL@
Documentation: man:abrt(1)


Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
the problem to appropriate support site.


Oct 07 13:16:35 abrt-notification[27605]: System encountered a non-fatal error in __warn()
-- Subject: ABRT has detected a non-fatal system error
-- Defined-By: ABRT
-- Support:
-- Documentation: man:abrt(1)
-- WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 18428 at /tmp/will_oops.r3f0fwWXQ1/will_oops.c:11 will_oops_init+0x28/0x1000 [will_oops]
-- Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
-- the problem to appropriate support site.


-- 700efb3f390d46898ce6e28108c15515
Subject: ABRT has detected an uncaught exception of @PROBLEM_TYPE@ in @PROBLEM_EXE@
Defined-By: ABRT
Support: @SUPPORT_URL@
Documentation: man:abrt(1)



Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
the problem to appropriate support site.


Oct 07 13:17:57 abrt-notification[28062]: Process 18617 (willuncaught.jar) of user 0 encountered an uncaught $EXCEPTION_TYPE exception
-- Subject: ABRT has detected an uncaught exception of $EXCEPTION_TYPE in willuncaught.jar
-- Defined-By: ABRT
-- Support:
-- Documentation: man:abrt(1)
-- Uncaught exception java.lang.NullPointerException in method WontCatchNullPointerException.die_hard()
-- #1 java.lang.NullPointerException
-- #2   at WontCatchNullPointerException.die_hard( [file:/usr/share/java/willcrash/willuncaught.jar]
-- #3   at WontCatchNullPointerException.die_hard( [file:/usr/share/java/willcrash/willuncaught.jar]
-- #4   at WontCatchNullPointerException.die_hard( [file:/usr/share/java/willcrash/willuncaught.jar]
-- #5   at WontCatchNullPointerException.die_hard( [file:/usr/share/java/willcrash/willuncaught.jar]
-- Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
-- the problem to appropriate support site.


-- 8c314b67d2d84797883e592d42885401
Subject: ABRT has detected an uncaught exception of @PROBLEM_TYPE@ in @PROBLEM_EXE@
Defined-By: ABRT
Support: @SUPPORT_URL@
Documentation: man:abrt(1)



Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
the problem to appropriate support site.


Oct 07 13:18:39 abrt-notification[28119]: Process 18902 (will_ruby_raise) of user 0 encountered an uncaught $EXCEPTION_TYPE exception
-- Subject: ABRT has detected an uncaught exception of $EXCEPTION_TYPE in will_ruby_raise
-- Defined-By: ABRT
-- Support:
-- Documentation: man:abrt(1)
-- /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/will_crash.rb:13:in `rescue in block (2 levels) in func': Exception successfully raised. (Wrap::MyException)
-- #1 rescue in block (2 levels) in func in /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/will_crash.rb:13
-- #2 block (2 levels) in func in /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/will_crash.rb:10
-- #3 times in /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/will_crash.rb:9
-- #4 block in func in /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/will_crash.rb:9
-- #5 times in /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/will_crash.rb:8\n"
-- Use abrt command line tool for further analysis or reporting
-- the problem to appropriate support site.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️