Providing additional information for bug reports - abrt/abrt GitHub Wiki

Since ABRT has started using FAF as the first instance of a bug report destination, ABRT no longer forces users to add duplicate comments and adds their login to CC List of duplicate bugs. This effectively means that a bug's reporter is the only contact who can provide additional info if required. Unfortunately, the users reporting via ABRT are too often unresponsive, thus the usage of FAF increased the rate of the unresolvable ABRT reports.


There are two known possible solutions. The first one is to enhance ABRT to add user to CC List of bugzilla bug returned by FAF. The second possible solution is to enhance FAF to became a new point of user-developer interaction. Event though, the latter one looks very interesting, we have decided to implement the first one. We (developers, testers, reporters) do not need a new bug tracking tool, we just need a tool which is fast when searching, provides statistics and allows users to report a crash without necessity to create a Bugzilla account.

Sending notification e-mails from FAF server have a pair of disadvantages:
  1. Need server-side, per user configuration (do not seems trivial to implement)
  2. New e-mail sender and new e-mail format (OK, new format in not necessary) that will break client-side e-mail filters configured for Bugzilla e-mails

Solution overview

ABRT FAF plugin gets a new configuration option 'Add me to CC List of already reported bugs'. This option is enabled by default, however, ABRT never asks user neither for Bugzilla login nor for Bugzilla password. If user wants to be added to CC List, he must configure ABRT Bugzilla plugin.

ABRT must not ask users for providing Bugzilla credentials because the communication with FAF server runs in background (Autoreporting) and it implies unexpected modal dialogues asking for login and password for Bugzilla.

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