Update Product - abrown0719/BillingSystem GitHub Wiki
Updating a product begins by entering the ID number into the ID field, then click the GET PRODUCT. The product details as they were entered when the product was created or last updated will be displayed in their appropriate fields. Update the fields to their new status, and click the UPDATE button at the bottom to update the product.
- ID: Don't amend the ID field.
- Name: The name of the product. It is important that this name be easy enough to remember but also unique enough to not overlap with other products, so as to make searches and billings easier.
- Buy Price: This is the price the item is purchased from a vendor. The price should be the price per unit, not a bulk purchase price.
- Sell Price: This is the price the item sells for to consumers. This price should be the sell price per unit of the same unit used in the buy price to ensure profit is properly calculated.
- Type: If the checkbox No.s is checked, it indicates that the product is measured by unit numbers instead of weight values. If it is unchecked, it is assumed that the product is measured by weight.
- Stock: This is the number or weight of product in stock. Be sure that the weight units used are consistent across your total inventory.